mult_bf_informed {multibridge}R Documentation

Evaluates Informed Hypotheses on Multinomial Parameters


Evaluates informed hypotheses on multinomial parameters. These hypotheses can contain (a mixture of) inequality constraints, equality constraints, and free parameters. Informed hypothesis H_r states that category proportions obey the particular constraint. H_r can be tested against the encompassing hypothesis H_e or the null hypothesis H_0. Encompassing hypothesis H_e states that category proportions are free to vary. Null hypothesis H_0 states that category proportions are exactly equal.


  a = rep(1, length(x)),
  factor_levels = NULL,
  cred_level = 0.95,
  niter = 5000,
  bf_type = "LogBFer",
  seed = NULL,
  maxiter = 1000,
  nburnin = niter * 0.05



numeric. Vector with data


string or character. Encodes the user specified informed hypothesis. Use either specified factor_levels or indices to refer to parameters. See “Note” section for details on how to formulate informed hypotheses


numeric. Vector with concentration parameters of Dirichlet distribution. Must be the same length as x. Default sets all concentration parameters to 1


character. Vector with category names. Must be the same length as x


numeric. Credible interval for the posterior point estimates. Must be a single number between 0 and 1


numeric. Vector with number of samples to be drawn from truncated distribution


character. The Bayes factor type. When the informed hypothesis is compared to the encompassing hypothesis, the Bayes factor type can be LogBFer, BFer, or BFre. When the informed hypothesis is compared to the null hypothesis, the Bayes factor type can be LogBFr0, BF0r, or BFr0. Default is LogBFer


numeric. Sets the seed for reproducible pseudo-random number generation


numeric. Maximum number of iterations for the iterative updating scheme used in the bridge sampling routine. Default is 1,000 to avoid infinite loops


numeric. A single value specifying the number of burn-in samples when drawing from the truncated distribution. Minimum number of burn-in samples is 10. Default is 5% of the number of samples. Burn-in samples are removed automatically after the sampling.


The model assumes that data follow a multinomial distribution and assigns a Dirichlet distribution as prior for the model parameters (i.e., underlying category proportions). That is:

x ~ Multinomial(N, \theta)

\theta ~ Dirichlet(\alpha)


List consisting of the following elements


gives an overview of the Bayes factor analysis:

  • bf_type: string. Contains Bayes factor type as specified by the user

  • bf: data.frame. Contains Bayes factors for all Bayes factor types

  • error_measures: data.frame. Contains for the overall Bayes factor the approximate relative mean-squared error re2, the approximate coefficient of variation cv, and the approximate percentage error percentage

  • logBFe_equalities: data.frame. Lists the log Bayes factors for all independent equality constrained hypotheses

  • logBFe_inequalities: data.frame. Lists the log Bayes factor for all independent inequality constrained hypotheses


numeric. User specified credible interval


list that encodes informed hypothesis for each independent restriction:

  • full_model: list containing the hypothesis, parameter names, data and prior specifications for the full model.

  • equality_constraints: list containing the hypothesis, parameter names, data and prior specifications for each equality constrained hypothesis.

  • inequality_constraints: list containing the hypothesis, parameter names, data and prior specifications for each inequality constrained hypothesis. In addition, in nr_mult_equal and nr_mult_free encodes which and how many parameters are equality constraint or free, in boundaries includes the boundaries of each parameter, in nineq_per_hyp states the number of inequality constraint parameters per independent inequality constrained hypothesis, and in direction states the direction of the inequality constraint.


list containing output from bridge sampling function:

  • eval: list containing the log prior or posterior evaluations (q11) and the log proposal evaluations (q12) for the prior or posterior samples, as well as the log prior or posterior evaluations (q21) and the log proposal evaluations (q22) for the samples from the proposal distribution

  • niter: number of iterations of the iterative updating scheme

  • logml: estimate of log marginal likelihood

  • hyp: evaluated inequality constrained hypothesis

  • error_measures: list containing in re2 the approximate relative mean-squared error for the marginal likelihood estimate, in cv the approximate coefficient of variation for the marginal likelihood estimate (assumes that bridge estimate is unbiased), and in percentage the approximate percentage error of the marginal likelihood estimate


list containing a list for prior samples and a list of posterior samples from truncated distributions which were used to evaluate inequality constraints. Prior and posterior samples of independent inequality constraints are again saved in separate lists. Samples are stored as matrix of dimension nsamples x nparams.


The following signs can be used to encode restricted hypotheses: "<" and ">" for inequality constraints, "=" for equality constraints, "," for free parameters, and "&" for independent hypotheses. The restricted hypothesis can either be a string or a character vector. For instance, the hypothesis c("theta1 < theta2, theta3") means

The hypothesis c("theta1 < theta2 = theta3 & theta4 > theta5") means that


Damien P, Walker SG (2001). “Sampling truncated normal, beta, and gamma densities.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 10, 206–215.

Gronau QF, Sarafoglou A, Matzke D, Ly A, Boehm U, Marsman M, Leslie DS, Forster JJ, Wagenmakers E, Steingroever H (2017). “A tutorial on bridge sampling.” Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 81, 80–97.

Frühwirth-Schnatter S (2004). “Estimating marginal likelihoods for mixture and Markov switching models using bridge sampling techniques.” The Econometrics Journal, 7, 143–167.

Sarafoglou A, Haaf JM, Ly A, Gronau QF, Wagenmakers EJ, Marsman M (2021). “Evaluating Multinomial Order Restrictions with Bridge Sampling.” Psychological Methods.

See Also

Other functions to evaluate informed hypotheses: binom_bf_equality(), binom_bf_inequality(), binom_bf_informed(), mult_bf_equality(), mult_bf_inequality()


# data
x <- c(3, 4, 10, 11, 7, 30)
# priors
a <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
# restricted hypothesis
factor_levels <- c('theta1', 'theta2', 'theta3', 'theta4', 'theta5', 
Hr            <- c('theta1', '<',  'theta2', '&', 'theta3', '=', 'theta4', 
',', 'theta5', '<', 'theta6')
output_total  <- mult_bf_informed(x, Hr, a, factor_levels, seed=2020, niter=2e3)

[Package multibridge version 1.2.0 Index]