mult_bf_equality {multibridge}R Documentation

Computes Bayes Factors For Equality Constrained Multinomial Parameters


Computes Bayes factor for equality constrained multinomial parameters using the standard Bayesian multinomial test. Null hypothesis H_0 states that category proportions are exactly equal to those specified in p. Alternative hypothesis H_e states that category proportions are free to vary.


mult_bf_equality(x, a, p = rep(1/length(a), length(a)))



numeric. Vector with data


numeric. Vector with concentration parameters of Dirichlet distribution. Must be the same length as x. Default sets all concentration parameters to 1


numeric. A vector of probabilities of the same length as x. Its elements must be greater than 0 and less than 1. Default is 1/K


The model assumes that data follow a multinomial distribution and assigns a Dirichlet distribution as prior for the model parameters (i.e., underlying category proportions). That is:

x ~ Multinomial(N, \theta)

\theta ~ Dirichlet(\alpha)


Returns a data.frame containing the Bayes factors LogBFe0, BFe0, and BF0e


The following signs can be used to encode restricted hypotheses: "<" and ">" for inequality constraints, "=" for equality constraints, "," for free parameters, and "&" for independent hypotheses. The restricted hypothesis can either be a string or a character vector. For instance, the hypothesis c("theta1 < theta2, theta3") means

The hypothesis c("theta1 < theta2 = theta3 & theta4 > theta5") means that


Damien P, Walker SG (2001). “Sampling truncated normal, beta, and gamma densities.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 10, 206–215.

Gronau QF, Sarafoglou A, Matzke D, Ly A, Boehm U, Marsman M, Leslie DS, Forster JJ, Wagenmakers E, Steingroever H (2017). “A tutorial on bridge sampling.” Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 81, 80–97.

Frühwirth-Schnatter S (2004). “Estimating marginal likelihoods for mixture and Markov switching models using bridge sampling techniques.” The Econometrics Journal, 7, 143–167.

Sarafoglou A, Haaf JM, Ly A, Gronau QF, Wagenmakers EJ, Marsman M (2021). “Evaluating Multinomial Order Restrictions with Bridge Sampling.” Psychological Methods.

See Also

Other functions to evaluate informed hypotheses: binom_bf_equality(), binom_bf_inequality(), binom_bf_informed(), mult_bf_inequality(), mult_bf_informed()


x <- lifestresses$stress.freq
a <- rep(1, nrow(lifestresses))
mult_bf_equality(x=x, a=a)

[Package multibridge version 1.2.0 Index]