Functions for the Courses Multivariate Analysis and Computer Intensive Methods

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Documentation for package ‘multiUS’ version 1.2.3

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antiImage Anti-image matrix
BoxMTest Box's test for equivalence of covariance matrices
breakString Break a string
cancorPlus Canonical correlations
compLoad Compare factor loadings
corTestDf Compute correlations and test their statistical significance
discretize Transform continuous variable to a discrete variable
freqTab Create a frequency table
histNorm Histogram with normal curve
KNNimp KNN-imputation method
ldaPlus Linear discriminant analysis
makeFactorLabels Make factor labels
mapLda LDA mapping
Omega Simple version of omega coefficient - measure of measurement internal consistency based on factor analysis
plotCCA Plot a solution of canonical correlations
plotMeans Plot the means
predict.ldaPlus Predict the values of a categorical variable based on a linear discriminant function
print.corTestDf Compute correlations and test their statistical significance
printCorTestDf Compute correlations and test their statistical significance
printP Print p-value
renameVar Rename variables
seqKNNimp Sequential KNN imputation method
small2other Recoding the smallest categories to "other" value in case of too many or too small categories.
testCC Test of canonical correlations
Theta Theta coefficient - measure of measurement internal consistency based on principal component analysis
wardCF Calculate the value of the Ward criterion function
wardKF Calculate the value of the Ward criterion function