nextModule {mstR}R Documentation

Selection of the next module in MST


This command selects the next module to be administered in the multistage test, either bases on IRT scoring or on test score and by either providing thresholds or optimally selecting the next module.


nextModule(itemBank, modules, transMatrix, model = NULL, current.module,
   out, x = NULL, cutoff = NULL, theta = 0, criterion = "MFI",
   priorDist = "norm", priorPar = c(0, 1), D = 1, range = c(-4, 4), 
   parInt = c(-4, 4, 33), randomesque = 1, random.seed = NULL)



a suitable matrix of item parameters. See Details.


a binary matrix that specifies the item membership to the modules. See Details.


a binary squared matrix representing the structure of the MST and the transitions between the moduels and the stages. See Details.


either NULL (default) for dichotomous models, or any suitable acronym for polytomous models. Possible values are "GRM", "MGRM", "PCM", "GPCM", "RSM" and "NRM". See Details.


integer: the module number (defined as the corresponding column number in the modules matrix) that indicates the last administered module.


numeric: the vector of item indicators (defined as the row numbers in the itemBank matrix) of previously administered items.


either a numeric vector of responses to previously administered items or NULL (default). Ignored if criterion is either MFI or random. See Details.


either a suitable matrix of cut-off values or NULL (default). See Details.


numeric: the current ability level for selecting the next module (default is 0). It can also hold the current test score made of the sum of responses to all administered items (when cutoff is provided). See Details.


character: the method for next item selection. Possible values are "MFI" (default), "MLWMI", "MPWMI", "MKL", "MKLP" and "random". Ignored if cutoff is not NULL. See Details.


character: the prior ability distribution. Possible values are "norm" (default) for the normal distribution, and "unif" for the uniform distribution. Ignored if criterion is neither "MPWMI" nor "KLP", or if cutoff is not NULL.


numeric: a vector of two components with the prior parameters. If priorDist is "norm", then priorPar contains the mean and the standard deviation of the normal distribution. If priorDist is "unif", then priorPar contains the bounds of the uniform distribution. The default values are 0 and 1 respectively. Ignored if criterion is neither "MPWI" nor "KLP", or if cutoff is not NULL.


numeric: the metric constant. Default is D=1 (for logistic metric); D=1.702 yields approximately the normal metric (Haley, 1952).


numeric: vector of two components specifying the range wherein the ability estimate must be looked for (default is c(-4,4)).


numeric: a vector of three numeric values, specifying respectively the lower bound, the upper bound and the number of quadrature points for numerical integration (default is c(-4,4,33)). Ignored if method is neither "MLWMI", "MPWMI", "KL", nor "KLP", or if cutoff is not NULL. See Details.


numeric: a probability value to select the optimal module. Default is one so optimal module is always chosen. See Details.


either NULL (default) or a numeric value to fix the random seed of randomesque selection of the module. Ignored if randomesque is equal to one.


This function permits to select the next module of the MST. It works with both dichotomous and polytomous item banks.

Dichotomous IRT models are considered whenever model is set to NULL (default value). In this case, it must be a matrix with one row per item and four columns, with the values of the discrimination, the difficulty, the pseudo-guessing and the inattention parameters (in this order). These are the parameters of the four-parameter logistic (4PL) model (Barton and Lord, 1981).

Polytomous IRT models are specified by their respective acronym: "GRM" for Graded Response Model, "MGRM" for Modified Graded Response Model, "PCM" for Partical Credit Model, "GPCM" for Generalized Partial Credit Model, "RSM" for Rating Scale Model and "NRM" for Nominal Response Model. The it still holds one row per item, end the number of columns and their content depends on the model. See genPolyMatrix for further information and illustrative examples of suitable polytomous item banks.

The modules argument must be a binary 0/1 matrix with as many rows as the item bank itemBank and as many columns as the number of modules. Values of 1 indicate to which module(s) the items belong to, i.e. a value of 1 on row i and column j means that the i-th item belongs to the j-th module.

The transMatrix argument must be a binary 0/1 square matrix with as many rows (and columns) as the number of modules. All values of 1 indicate the possible transitions from one module to another, i.e. a value of 1 on row i and column j means that the MST can move from i-th module to j-th module.

The two main approaches to select the next module are based on cut-off scores (to be provided) or by optimal module selection.

Optimal module selection is performed by providing an appropriate value to the criterion argument. Possible methods are:

  1. "MFI" for maximum Fisher information(default);

  2. "MLWMI" for maximum likelihood weighted module information;

  3. "MPWMI" for maximum posterior weighted module information;

  4. "MKL" for module Kullabck-Leibler selection;

  5. "MKLP" for module posterior Kullabck-Leibler selection;

  6. "random" for random selection.

See MWMI and MKL for further details.

In case of selection by predefined cut-off scores, the cutoff argument must be supplied by a matrix with as many rows as the number of thresholds between pairs of modules, and with three columns. Each row of the cutoff matrix holds first the two module indicators (i.e., their column number in the modules matrix) and then the threshold. For instance, the row c(3, 4, 1) indicates that the selection threshold between modules 3 and 4 is 1. Thus, if the next module must be chosen between modules 3 and 4, the module 3 is selected if the score is strictly smaller than 1, and module 4 is chosen if the score is gretar than or equal to 1.

This allows the selection among multiple modules within a stage as follows. Let modules 5 to 7 be the allowed moduels for selection, and set -1 and 1 as thresholds to distinguish between modules 5 and 6 and modules 6 and 7. By this way, module 5 is chosen if the score is strictly smaller than -1, module 7 if the score is larger than (or equal to) 1, and module 6 otherwise. This design is simply modeled through the cutoff matrix by including the rows c(5, 6, -1) nd c(6, 7, 1). Note that the order of the rows in the cutoff matrix is irrelevant. Moreover, integer cut-off scores (when theta is the test score) or numeric values (when theta is an ability estimate) are allowed in the cutoff matrix.

By default cutoff is NULL and optimal module selection is performed).

Whatever the method for next module selection (by optimal criterion or via cut-off scores), the randomesque argument allows for selecting a module that is not the optimal one. This argument takes a probability value (i.e., between zero and one) that sets the probability that the optimal module is eventually selected. All other elligible modules from the stage will be randomly chosen with a probability equal to (1-randomesque)/K1K-1 where KK is he number of elligible modules in the stage (including the optimal one). This allows for module overexposure control. The random.seed argument permits ot fix the seed for random selection.


A list with six arguments:


the selected module (identified by its column number in the modules argument.


the items that belong to the selected module (identified by their number in the item bank).


the matrix of item parameters of the selected items (one row per item).


either the provisional ability level or score when cutoff is not NULL; or NA when random selection is performed.


the value of the criterion argument.


logical value indicating whether the optimal module was eventually returned or not.


David Magis
Department of Psychology, University of Liege, Belgium


Barton, M.A., and Lord, F.M. (1981). An upper asymptote for the three-parameter logistic item-response model. Research Bulletin 81-20. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Haley, D.C. (1952). Estimation of the dosage mortality relationship when the dose is subject to error. Technical report no 15. Palo Alto, CA: Applied Mathematics and Statistics Laboratory, Stanford University.

See Also

genPolyMatrix, MWMI, MKL


## Dichotomous models ##

 # Generation of an item bank under 2PL, made of 7 successive modules that target
 # different average ability levels and with different lengths
 # (the first generated item parameters hold two modules of 8 items each)
 it <- rbind(genDichoMatrix(16, model = "2PL"),
             genDichoMatrix(6, model = "2PL", bPrior = c("norm", -1, 1)),
             genDichoMatrix(6, model = "2PL", bPrior = c("norm", 1, 1)),
             genDichoMatrix(9, model = "2PL", bPrior = c("norm", -2, 1)),
             genDichoMatrix(9, model = "2PL", bPrior = c("norm", 0, 1)),
             genDichoMatrix(9, model = "2PL", bPrior = c("norm", 2, 1)))
 it <- as.matrix(it)

 # Creation of the 'modules' matrix to list item membership in each module
 modules <- matrix(0, 55, 7)
 modules[1:8, 1] <- modules[9:16, 2] <- modules[17:22, 3] <- 1
 modules[23:28, 4] <- modules[29:37, 5] <- modules[38:46, 6] <- 1
 modules[47:55, 7] <- 1

 # Creation of the transition matrix to define a 1-2-3 MST
trans <- matrix(0, 7, 7)
trans[1, 3:4] <- trans[2, 3:4] <- trans[3, 5:7] <- trans[4, 5:7] <- 1

 # Module 1 previously administered, provisional ability 0, MFI criterion
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 1, out = 1:8)

 # Generation of item responses for module 1
 x <- genPattern(0, it[1:8,])

 # MLWMI criterion 
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 1, out = 1:8, x = x, criterion = "MLWMI")

 # MPWMI criterion
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 1, out = 1:8, x = x, criterion = "MPWMI")

 # MKL criterion
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 1, out = 1:8, x = x, criterion = "MKL")

 # MKLP criterion
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 1, out = 1:8, x = x, criterion = "MKLP")

 # Creation of cut-off scores for ability levels: cut score 0 between modules 3 and 4
 # and cut scores -1 and 1 between modules 5, 6 and 7
 cut <- rbind(c(3, 4, 0), c(5, 6, -1), c(6, 7, 1))

 # Selection by cut-off score, module 1 previously administered, current ability level 0 
 # (=> module 4 is chosen)
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 1, out = 1:8, cutoff = cut, theta = 0)

 # Same with current ability level -0.5 (=> module 3 is chosen)
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 1, out = 1:8, cutoff = cut, theta = -0.5)

 # Modules 1 and 3 previously administered, current ability level 0 (=> module 6 is chosen)
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 3, out = c(1:8, 17:22), cutoff = cut,  
           theta = 0)

 # Same with current ability level 2 (=> module 7 is chosen)
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 3, out = c(1:8, 17:22), cutoff = cut, 
           theta = 2)

 # Ranomesque probability 0.5 and random.seed value 2 (=> module 6 is chosen)
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 3, out = c(1:8, 17:22), cutoff = cut, 
           theta = 2, randomesque = 0.5, random.seed = 2)

 # Creation of cut-off scores for test scores: cut score 4 between modules 3 and 4
 # and cut scores 5 and 9 between modules 5, 6 and 7
 cut.score <- rbind(c(3, 4, 4), c(5, 6, 5), c(6, 7, 9))

 # Module 1 previously administered, current test score 1 (=> module 3 is chosen)
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 1, out = 1:8, cutoff = cut.score, 
           theta = 1)

 # Modules 1 and 3 previously administered, current tes score 6 (=> module 6 is chosen)
 nextModule(it, modules, trans, current.module = 3, out = c(1:8, 17:22), cutoff = cut.score, 
           theta = 6)

## Polytomous models ##

 # Same structure as above but parameters are now generated from PCM with at most
 # 4 categories
 it.pol <- genPolyMatrix(55, model = "PCM", nrCat = 4)
 it.pol <- as.matrix(it)

 # Module 1 previously administered, provisional ability 0, MFI criterion
 nextModule(it.pol, modules, trans, model = "PCM", current.module = 1, out = 1:8)

 # MLWMI criterion 
 nextModule(it.pol, modules, trans, model = "PCM", current.module = 1, out = 1:8, x = x, 
           criterion = "MLWMI")

# MKL criterion 
 nextModule(it.pol, modules, trans, model = "PCM", current.module = 1, out = 1:8, x = x, 
           criterion = "MKL")

# MKLP criterion 
 nextModule(it.pol, modules, trans, model = "PCM", current.module = 1, out = 1:8, x = x, 
           criterion = "MKLP")

# Selection by cut-off score, module 1 previously administered, current ability level 0 
 # (=> module 4 is chosen)
 nextModule(it.pol, modules, trans, model = "PCM", current.module = 1, out = 1:8, 
           cutoff = cut, theta = 0)

[Package mstR version 1.2 Index]