A Collection of DIF Tests for Multistage Tests

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Documentation for package ‘mstDIF’ version 0.1.7

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mstDIF-package mstDIF: A Collection of Statistical Tests for DIF Detection in Multistage Tests
bootstrap_sctest A score-based DIF test using the parametric bootstrap approach.
log_reg A logistic regression DIF test for MSTs
mstDIF A general function to detect differential item functioning (DIF) in multistage tests (MSTs)
mstDIF-Methods Methods for the mstDIF-class
mstDIF.AllModelClass A general function to detect differential item functioning (DIF) in multistage tests (MSTs)
mstDIF.default A general function to detect differential item functioning (DIF) in multistage tests (MSTs)
mstDIF.dRm A general function to detect differential item functioning (DIF) in multistage tests (MSTs)
mstSIB The mstSIB test for MSTs
permutation_sctest A score-based DIF test using the permutation approach.
print.mstDIF Methods for the mstDIF-class
summary.mstDIF Methods for the mstDIF-class
toydata A Toy Example of 1000 Respondents Working on a Multistage Test