ReadMsp {mssearchr}R Documentation

Read mass spectra from an msp-file (NIST format)


Read an msp-file containing mass spectra in the NIST format. The complete description of the format can be found in the NIST Mass Spectral Search Program manual. A summary is presented below in the "Description of the NIST format" section.





A string. The name of a file.


Data from an msp-file are read without any modification (e.g., the order of mass values is not changed, zero-intensity peaks are preserved, etc.).


Return a list of nested lists. Each nested list is a mass spectrum. Almost all metadata fields (e.g., "Name", "CAS#", "Formula", "MW", etc.) are represented as strings. All "Synon" fields are merged into a single character vector. Mass values and intensities are represented as numeric vectors (mz and intst). Names of fields are slightly modified:

Description of the NIST format

The summary was prepared using the NIST Mass Spectral Search Program manual v.2.4 (2020).


# Reading the 'alkanes.msp' file
msp_file <- system.file("extdata", "alkanes.msp", package = "mssearchr")
msp_objs <- ReadMsp(msp_file)

# Plotting the first mass spectrum from the 'msp_objs' list
par_old <- par(yaxs = "i")
plot(msp_objs[[1]]$mz, msp_objs[[1]]$intst,
     ylim = c(0, 1000), main = msp_objs[[1]]$name,
     type = "h", xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Intensity", bty = "l")

[Package mssearchr version 0.1.1 Index]