cereal {msos} | R Documentation |
Chakrapani and Ehrenberg [1981] analyzed people's attitudes towards a variety of breakfast cereals. The data matrix cereal is 8 ? 11, with rows corresponding to eight cereals, and columns corresponding to potential attributes about cereals. The original data consisted of the percentage of subjects who thought the given cereal possessed the given attribute. The present matrix has been doubly centered, so that the row means and columns means are all zero. (The original data can be found in the S-Plus [TIBCO Software Inc., 2009] data set cereal.attitude.)
A double matrix with 8 observations on the following 11 variables.
- Return
A cereal one would come back to
- Tasty
Tastes good
- Popular
Popular with the entire family
- Nourishing
Cereal is fulfilling
- NaturalFlavor
Cereal lacks flavor additives
- Affordable
Cereal is priced well for the content
- GoodValue
Quantity for Price
- Crispy
Stays crispy in milk
- Fit
Keeps one fit
- Fun
Fun for children
T. K. Chakrapani and A. S. C. Ehrenberg. An alternative to factor analysis in marketing research part 2: Between group analysis. Professional Marketing Research Society Journal, 1:32-38, 1981.