ml_glm3 {msme} | R Documentation |
A reduced maximum likelihood fitting function that omits null models.
This function fits generalized linear models by maximizing the joint log-likeliood, which is set in a separate function. Null models are omitted from the fit. The post-estimation output is designed to work with existing reporting functions.
ml_glm3(formula, data, family, link, offset = 0, start = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
formula |
an object of class '"formula"' (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. (See the help for 'glm' for more details). |
data |
a data frame containing the variables in the model. |
family |
a description of the error distribution be used in the model. This must be a character string naming a family. |
link |
a description of the link function be used in the model. This must be a character string naming a link function. |
offset |
this can be used to specify an _a priori_ known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting. This should be 0 or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of cases. |
start |
optional starting points for the parameter estimation. |
verbose |
logical flag affecting the detail of printing. Defaults to FALSE. |
... |
other arguments to pass to the likelihood function, e.g. group stucture. |
This function is essentially the same as ml_glm, but includes the dots argument to allow a richer set of model likelihoods to be fit, and omits computation of the null deviance. The function is presently set up to only fit the conditional fixed-effects negative binomial model.
fit |
the output of optim. |
X |
the design matrix. |
y |
the response variable. |
call |
the call used for the function. |
obs |
the number of observations. |
df.null |
the degrees of freedom for the null model. |
df.residual |
the residual degrees of freedom. |
deviance |
the residual deviance. |
null.deviance |
the residual deviance for the null model, set to NA. |
residuals |
the deviance residuals. |
coefficients |
parameter estimates. |
se.beta.hat |
standard errors of parameter estimates. |
aic |
Akaike's Information Criterion. |
i |
the number of iterations required for convergence. |
Andrew Robinson and Joe Hilbe.
Hilbe, J.M., and Robinson, A.P. 2013. Methods of Statistical Model Estimation. Chapman & Hall / CRC.
See Also
med.nb.g <- ml_glm3(los ~ hmo + white,
family = "gNegBinomial",
link = "log",
group = medpar$provnum,
data = medpar)