t {msltrend}R Documentation

sample 'msl.forecast' object


Output of call to msl.forecast used extensively in examples throughout this Manual.




msl.forecast object


This msl.forecast object is used extensively in the examples throughout this manual in order to call the object direct rather than producing the same via original code which can be computationally expensive. This object results from a decomposition of the Baltimore record, filling gaps with spline interpolation and using 500 iterations to generate error margins via bootstrapping (see s). This 'msl.trend' object is then parsed to msl.forecast with the addition of 1000 millimetres of sea level rise between the end of the historical record and 2100.

Note: Ordinarily the user would call 'File.csv' direct from working directory, creating the 'msl.trend' object first, then creating the above-mentioned msl.forecast object using the following sample code:

s <- msl.trend('Balt.csv', fillgaps = 3, iter = 500, 'BALTIMORE, USA') # DON'T RUN

t <- msl.forecast(s, slr = 1000) # DON'T RUN

See Also

msl.trend, msl.forecast, msl.plot, msl.pdf, summary, Balt, s.


str(t) # check structure of object

[Package msltrend version 1.0 Index]