mscstexta4r-package |
R Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analytics REST API |
mscstexta4r |
R Client for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analytics REST API |
texta |
The 'texta' object |
textaDetectLanguages |
Detects the languages used in documents. |
textaDetectTopics |
Detects the top topics in a group of text documents. |
textaDetectTopicsStatus |
Retrieves the status of a topic detection operation submitted for processing. |
textaInit |
Initializes the 'mscstexta4r' package. |
textaKeyPhrases |
Returns the key talking points in sentences or documents. |
textaSentiment |
Assesses the sentiment of sentences or documents. |
textatopics |
The 'textatopics' object |