tsce {msce}R Documentation

Exact solution of the Two-Stage Clonal Expansion Model


For piecewise constant parameters tsce(t,parameterList) returns the exact hazard and logarithm of the survival function of the Two-Stage Clonal Expansion Model. All arguments are matrices. Evaluation is performed separately for each row.


tsce(t, parameterList)



Each element in a row of t defines the endpoint of a time interval. The first time interval starts at time 0. The last element is the time point for which hazard and survival function are evaluated. Elements in a row have to be in monotonously increasing order. In order to achieve a different number of time intervals for different rows, rows may start with an arbitrary number of zeros (i.e. time intervals of length zero).


List of Matrices. Each list member has to be named. Allowed names are Nnu0, alpha, gamma, and nu1. Matrices Nnu0 and nu1 must be provided. If alpha or gamma are missing, they are assumed to be zero. For each matrix it has to hold that the number of columns must be equal to the ones in t. The number of rows can either equal to the number of rows in t, or only one row is provided, which then is applied to all rows of t.

Values in matrices Nnu0, alpha, gamma, nu1 correspond to parameters for each time interval, see the figure and explanations in the package vignette. Here, Nnu0 is the product of NN and ν0\nu_0 and γ\gamma is defined by αβ\alpha-\beta.


Schematic depiction of the TSCE model.
        See the package vignette for details.

See Also



t <-matrix(data=c(10,20,65,10,20,70),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
Nnu0 <- matrix(c(0.3,0.7,1),nrow = 1)
alpha<- matrix(1,nrow=1,ncol=3)
gamma<- matrix(c(0.13,0.13,0.13, 0.15,0.15,0.15),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
nu1  <- matrix(1e-6,nrow=1,ncol=3)
pars = list(Nnu0=Nnu0, alpha=alpha,gamma=gamma,nu1=nu1) 


[Package msce version 1.0.1 Index]