reset_locker {mrgsim.parallel}R Documentation

Initialize the locker directory


This function is called by setup_locker() to initialize and re-initialize a locker directory. We call it reset_locker because it is expected that the locker space is created once and then repeatedly reset and simulations are run and re-run.


reset_locker(where, pattern = NULL)



The full path to the locker.


A regular expression for finding files to clear from the locker directory.


For the locker space to be initialized, the where directory must not exist; if it exists, there will be an error. It is also an error for where to exist and not contain a particular hidden locker file name that marks the directory as established locker space.

NOTE: when the locker is reset, all contents are cleared according to the files matched by pattern. If any un-matched files exist after clearing the directory, a warning will be issued.

See Also

setup_locker(), noreset_locker(), version_locker()

[Package mrgsim.parallel version 0.2.1 Index]