rmrf2d {mrf2d}R Documentation

Sampling of Markov Random Fields on 2d lattices


Performs pixelwise updates based on conditional distributions to sample from a Markov random field.


  cycles = 60,
  sub_region = NULL,
  fixed_region = NULL



One of two options:

  • A matrix object with the initial field configuration. Its valuesmust be integers in ⁠{0,...,C}⁠.

  • A length 2 numeric vector with the lattice dimensions.


A mrfi object representing the interaction structure.


A 3-dimensional array describing potentials. Slices represent interacting positions, rows represent pixel values and columns represent neighbor values. As an example: theta[1,3,2] has the potential for the pair of values 0,2 observed in the second relative position of mrfi.


The number of updates to be done (for each each pixel).


NULL if the whole lattice is considered or a logical matrix with TRUE for pixels in the considered region.


NULL if the whole lattice is to be sampled or a logical matrix with TRUE for pixels to be considered fixed. Fixed pixels are not updated in the Gibbs Sampler.


This function implements a Gibbs Sampling scheme to sample from a Markov random field by iteratively sampling pixel values from the conditional distribution

P(ZiZNi,θ).P(Z_i | Z_{{N}_i}, \theta).

A cycle means exactly one update to each pixel. The order pixels are sampled is randomized within each cycle.

If init_Z is passed as a length 2 vector with lattice dimensions, the initial field is sampled from independent discrete uniform distributions in ⁠{0,...,C}⁠. The value of C is obtained from the number of rows/columns of theta.

A MRF can be sampled in a non-rectangular region of the lattice with the use of the sub_region argument or by setting pixels to NA in the initial configuration init_Z. Pixels with NA values in init_Z are completely disconsidered from the conditional probabilities and have the same effect as setting sub_region = is.na(init_Z). If init_Z has NA values, sub_region is ignored and a warning is produced.

A specific region can be kept constant during the Gibbs Sampler by using the fixed_region argument. Keeping a subset of pixels constant is useful when you want to sample in a specific region of the image conditional to the rest, for example, in texture synthesis problems.


A matrix with the sampled field.


As in any Gibbs Sampling scheme, a large number of cycles may be required to achieve the target distribution, specially for strong interaction systems.


Victor Freguglia

See Also

A paper with detailed description of the package can be found at doi: 10.18637/jss.v101.i08.

rmrf2d_mc for generating multiple points of a Markov Chain to be used in Monte-Carlo methods.


# Sample using specified lattice dimension
Z <- rmrf2d(c(150,150), mrfi(1), theta_potts)

#Sample using itial configuration

Z2 <- rmrf2d(Z, mrfi(1), theta_potts)

# View results

# Using sub-regions
subreg <- matrix(TRUE, 150, 150)
subreg <- abs(row(subreg) - 75) + abs(col(subreg) - 75) <= 80
# view the sub-region

Z3 <- rmrf2d(c(150,150), mrfi(1), theta_potts, sub_region = subreg)

# Using fixed regions
fixreg <- matrix(as.logical(diag(150)), 150, 150)
# Set initial configuration: diagonal values are 0.
init_Z4 <- Z
init_Z4[fixreg] <- 0

Z4 <- rmrf2d(init_Z4, mrfi(1), theta_potts, fixed_region = fixreg)

# Combine fixed regions and sub-regions
Z5 <- rmrf2d(init_Z4, mrfi(1), theta_potts,
fixed_region = fixreg, sub_region = subreg)

[Package mrf2d version 1.0 Index]