fit_sa {mrf2d}R Documentation

Stochastic Approximation fitting of MRFs on 2d lattices


Estimates the parameters of a MRF by successively sampling from a parameter configuration and updating it by comparing the sufficient statistics of the sampled field and the observed field.

This method aims to find the parameter value where the gradient of the likelihood function is equal to zero.


  family = "onepar",
  init = 0,
  cycles = 5,
  refresh_each = length(gamma_seq) + 1,
  refresh_cycles = 60,
  verbose = interactive()



A matrix object containing the observed MRF. NA values can be used to create a subregion of the lattice for non-rectangular data.


A mrfi object representing the interaction structure.


The family of parameter restrictions to potentials. Families are: 'onepar', 'oneeach', 'absdif', 'dif' or 'free'. See mrf2d-familiy.


A numeric vector with the sequence of constants used in each step γt\gamma_t.


The initial value to be used in the optimization. It can be:

  • A valid array of parameter values according to family.

  • 0. If set to 0 an array with '0“ in all entries is created.


The number of updates to be done (for each each pixel).


An integer with the number of iterations taken before a complete refresh (restart from a random state). This prevents the sample from being stuck in a mode for too long. Defaults to length(gamma_seq) + 1 (no refresh happens).


An integer indicating how many Gibbs Sampler cycles are performed when a refresh happens. Larger is usually better, but slower.


logical indicating whether the iteration number is printed during execution.


The stochastic approximation method consists of, given an observed field Z, and a starting parameters configuration θ0\theta_0, successively sample a field ZtZ_t from the current parameter configuration and estimate the direction of the gradient of the likelihood function by comparing the sufficient statistics in the current sample and the observed field.

The solution is updated by moving in the estimated direction with a predefined step size γt\gamma_t, a new field Zt+1Z_{t+1} is sampled using the new parameter configuration and ZtZ_t as an initial value, and the process is repeated.

θt+1=θtγt(T(Zt)T(Z)),\theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \gamma_t(T(Z_t) - T(Z)),

where T(Z)T(Z) is the sufficient statistics for the reference field, T(Zt)T(Z_t) is the sufficient statistics for a field sampled from θt\theta_t.

gamma_seq is normalized internally by diving values by length(Z), so the choice of the sequence is invariant to the lattice dimensions. Typically, a sequence like seq(from = 1, to = 0, length.out = 1000) should be used for defining a sequence with 1000 steps. Some tuning of this sequence is required.


A mrfout object with the following elements:


Stochastic Approximation is called "Controllable Simulated Annealing" in some references.

Examples where Stochastic Approximation is used with MRFs are (Gimel'farb 1996), (Atchadé et al. 2013).


Victor Freguglia


Wikipedia (2019). “Stochastic approximation.”

Atchadé YF, Lartillot N, Robert C, others (2013). “Bayesian computation for statistical models with intractable normalizing constants.” Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 27(4), 416–436.

Gimel'farb GL (1996). “Texture modeling by multiple pairwise pixel interactions.” IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 18(11), 1110–1114.

See Also

A paper with detailed description of the package can be found at doi: 10.18637/jss.v101.i08.


fit1 <- fit_sa(Z_potts, mrfi(1), family = "oneeach", gamma_seq = seq(1, 0, length.out = 50))
# Estimated parameters
# A visualization of estimated gradient norm over iterations.
plot(fit1$metrics, type = "l")

fit_sa(Z_potts, mrfi(1), family = "oneeach", gamma_seq = seq(1, 0, length.out = 50))

[Package mrf2d version 1.0 Index]