Metabolomics Data Analysis Functions

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Documentation for package ‘mrbin’ version 1.7.4

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addToPlot A function for adding NMR spectra to the plot list.
annotatemrbin A function for annotating mrbin objects.
atnv A function replacing negative values.
checkmrbin A function for checking mrbin objects.
contMin A function for changing plotNMR plots.
contPlus A function for changing plotNMR plots.
createmrbin A function for creating mrbin objects.
cropNMR A function for cropping HSQC spectra.
dilutionCorrection A function for scaling to individual dilution factors.
down A function for changing plotNMR plots.
editmetabolitesmrbin A function for editing metabolite identities.
editmrbin A function for editing mrbin objects.
fia A function identifying features of importance.
getEnv A function for saving the package environment.
intMin A function for changing plotNMR plots.
intPlus A function for changing plotNMR plots.
left A function for changing plotNMR plots.
logTrafo A function for log transforming data.
metadatamrbin A function for interactively editing metadata of mrbin objects.
mrbin A function setting the parameters and performing binning and data processing
mrbinrun A function performing all data read and processing steps.
mrplot A function for plotting NMR spectra.
plotMultiNMR A function for plotting NMR spectra.
plotNMR A function for plotting NMR spectra.
plotPCA A function for plotting PCA plots.
plotResults A function for plotting quality indicators, including PCA plots.
PQNScaling A function for PQN scaling.
predictWrapper A function returning predicted values for use with the fia function.
printParameters A function for printing parameters to the screen.
putToEnv A function for changing and adding variables in the package environment.
readBruker A function for reading Bruker NMR spectra.
recreatemrbin A function recreating parameters from previous runs.
removeFromPlot A function for removing NMR spectra from the plot list.
removeNoise A function for removing bins below noise level.
removeSpectrum A function for removing a spectrum.
resetEnv A parameter resetting function
right A function for changing plotNMR plots.
setCurrentSpectrum A function for interactively setting the current spectrum.
setDilutionFactors A function for setting dilution factors.
setNoiseLevels A function for setting and plotting noise levels.
setOffset A function for changing plotNMR plots.
setParam A function setting parameters and checking for consistency.
timeStampMrbin A function for time stamping mrbin objects.
trimZeros A function for trimming zero-values bins.
unitVarianceScaling A function for scaling to unit variance.
up A function for changing plotNMR plots.
zoom A function for changing plotNMR plots.
zoomIn A function for changing plotNMR plots.
zoomOut A function for changing plotNMR plots.