F.cr.model.matrix {mra}R Documentation

Capture-Recapture model matrix


Returns two model matrices for capture-recapture modeling. Both are in the form of (giant) 2D matrices.


F.cr.model.matrix(capture, survival, nan, ns)



Formula for the capture model. Must be a formula object with no response, then ~, followed by the names of 2-D arrays of covariates to fit in the capture model. For example: capture = ~ age + sex, where age and sex are matrices.


Formula for the survival model. Must be a formula object with no response, then ~, followed by the names of 2-D arrays of covariates to fit in the survival model. For example: capture = ~ age + sex, where age and sex are matrices.


Number of individuals in the model. This is necessary for the ivar and tvar functions to work. Normally, nan = number of rows in capture history matrix. No default value.


Number of sampling occasions. Normally, ns = number of columns in the capture history matrix.


This routine is intended to be called internally by model fitting routines of MRA. General users should never have to call this routine.

This routine uses a call to eval with a model frame, and calls the R internal model.matrix to resolve the matrices in the formula. All matrices specified in the models should be in the current scope and accessible to both eval and model.matrix.

This routine calls F.3d.model.matrix twice. F.3d.model.matrix does all the work.


A list containing the following components:


A NAN by IX+(NX*NS) matrix containing covariate values for the capture model. Matrices specified in the model are column appended together. NAN = nrow(x) where x is a 2-D matrix in the model (i.e., number of animals). NS = ncol(x) (i.e., number of capture occasions). NX = number of matrices specified in the model. IX = 1 if an intercept is included, 0 otherwise. The j-th covariate matrix specified in the model can be accessed directly with capX[, IX+1+(NS*(j-1)):(NS*j) ].


A NAN by IY+(NY*NS) matrix containing covariate values for the survival model. Matrices specified in the model are column appended together. NAN = nrow(x) where y is a 2-D matrix in the model (i.e., number of animals). NS = ncol(y) (i.e., number of capture occasions). NY = number of matrices specified in the model. IY = 1 if an intercept is included, 0 otherwise. The j-th covariate matrix specified in the model can be accessed directly with capY[, IY+1+(NS*(j-1)):(NS*j) ].


Number of matrices specified in the capture model (NX above).


Number of matrices specified in the survival model (NY above).


TRUE or FALSE depending on whether an intercept was included in the capture model


TRUE or FALSE depending on whether an intercept was included in the survival model


Vector of names for the NX covariates in the capture model.


Vector of names for the NY covariates in the survival model.


Trent McDonald, WEST-INC, tmcdonald@west-inc.com

See Also

F.cjs.estim, model.matrix, eval



# Synthetic example with 10 animals and 5 occasions
nan <- 10
ns <- 5
sex <- matrix( as.numeric(runif( nan ) > 0.5), nrow=nan, ncol=ns )
x <- matrix( runif( nan*ns ) , nrow=nan, ncol=ns )
F.cr.model.matrix( capture= ~ sex + x, survival= ~ -1 + x, nan, ns )

[Package mra version 2.16.11 Index]