recogROC {mpt}R Documentation

Recognition Receiver Operating Characteristics


In a series of experiments, Broeder and Schuetz (2009) tested the shape of recognition receiver operating characteristics. Participants studied a list of items. In a recognition test, old items intermixed with new ones were presented, and participants had to classify them as old or new. The percentage of old items varied in order to manipulate the response bias.

Wellingerhof (2019) conducted a replication study that was designed to be similar to Experiment 3 in Broeder and Schuetz (2009).




ROCBroeder2009 A data frame consisting of seven variables:


factor. Target (old) or distractor (new) item.


a factor giving the response category, old or new.


an identifier for the single trees of the joint multinomial model.

ptarget1, ptarget3

percentage of target (old) items in Experiment 1 and 3, respectively.

exp1, exp3

the aggregate response frequencies.

ROCreplication A data frame containing 48 observations of five variables:


factor. Participant gender.


participant age.


number of mental-arithmetic problems solved.


number of correct trials in lexical selection task.


a matrix of aggregate response frequencies per participant. The column names indicate each of 4 x 5 response categories: hit, miss, false alarm, and correct rejection in the five bias conditions.


Broeder, A., & Schuetz, J. (2009). Recognition ROCs are curvilinear–or are they? On premature arguments against the two-high-threshold model of recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 35(3), 587–606. doi: 10.1037/a0015279

Wellingerhof, P. (2019). Signal detection theory vs. 2-high-threshold model in recognition memory: A preregistered replication study. Bachelor thesis. University of Tuebingen, Germany.

See Also




## Two-high-threshold model
s <- mptspec("2HT", .replicates = 5,
                    .restr = list(r1=r, r2=r, r3=r, r4=r, r5=r,
                                  d1=d, d2=d, d3=d, d4=d, d5=d))
m1 <- mpt(s, data = ROCBroeder2009, freqvar = "exp3")
m2 <- mpt(s, data = unname(ROCreplication$y))

## Table 4
rbind(Broeder2009 = c(deviance(m1), coef(m1)),
      Replication = c(deviance(m2), coef(m2)))

## Hit rate and false alarm rate
i.hit <- with(ROCBroeder2009, item == "target" & resp == "old")
i.fa  <- with(ROCBroeder2009, item == "distractor" & resp == "old")

hrfa <- data.frame(
   study = rep(c("Broeder2009", "Replication"), each=5),
   obshr = c((m1$y/m1$n)[i.hit], (m2$y/m2$n)[i.hit]),
   obsfa = c((m1$y/m1$n)[i.fa],  (m2$y/m2$n)[i.fa]),
  predhr = c(m1$pcat[i.hit],     m2$pcat[i.hit]),
  predfa = c(m1$pcat[i.fa],      m2$pcat[i.fa])

## ROC, Figure 7
plot(obshr ~ obsfa, hrfa[hrfa$study == "Broeder2009", ],
     xlim=0:1, ylim=0:1, pch=16,
     main="Linear recognition ROCs?",
     ylab="Hit rate", xlab="False alarm rate")
abline(0, 1, lty=2)
lines(predhr ~ predfa, hrfa[hrfa$study == "Broeder2009", ])
points(obshr ~ obsfa, hrfa[hrfa$study == "Replication", ], col = "blue")
lines(predhr ~ predfa, hrfa[hrfa$study == "Replication", ],
      col = "blue")
text(0.45, 0.93, "Replication", col = "blue")
text(0.59, 0.82, "Broeder and Schuetz\n(2009, Exp. 3)")

[Package mpt version 0.8-0 Index]