mppData {mppR}R Documentation

Complete mppData object


Complete mppData object made from a sample data of the maize US nested association mapping (NAM) population. This mppData object went through all the steps of the data processing: create.mppData, QC.mppData, IBS.mppData, IBD.mppData, parent_cluster.mppData. The mppData contain all the data necessary for the QTL analysis procedures.






The complete mppData object is a list containing the following elements:

  1. geno.IBS: IBS genotype marker matrix.

  2. geno.IBD: R/qtl cross.object containing the genotype within cross IBD probabilities.

  3. List of genotypes.

  4. allele.ref: Matrix containing for each marker the most and least frequent marker scores and the two heterozygous scores.

  5. geno.par: Parents marker matrix.

  6. geno.par.clu: Parent marker data used to cluster the parents.

  7. par.clu: Parent clustering results.

  8. mono.anc: Positions for which the ancestral clustering was monomorphic.

  9. pheno: Phenotypic trait matrix.

  10. map: Genetic map corresponding to the geno (IBS, IBD, par) arguments.

  11. Genetic map corresponding to geno.par.clu.

  12. cross.ind: Vector indicating to which cross each genotype belongs.

  13. par.per.cross: Matrix with for each cross the parent 1 and 2.

  14. parents: Vector of parents.

  15. type: Type of population.

  16. Number of crosses.

  17. n.par: Number of parents.

  18. n.anc: Average number of ancestral group along the genome.

  19. n.zigo: Number of possible allelic computations 2 (AA/BB) or 3 (AA/AB/BB).

  20. Removed markers in the data processing.

  21. rem.gen: Removed genotypes in the data processing.

  22. status: Indicates the level of progression in the data processing.

See Also

create.mppData, QC.mppData, IBS.mppData, IBD.mppData, parent_cluster.mppData



[Package mppR version 1.5.0 Index]