compute_ci {mpmsim}R Documentation

Compute 95% confidence intervals for derived estimates from a matrix population model


This function computes the 95% confidence interval for measures derived from a matrix population model using parametric bootstrapping. In this approach a sampling distribution of the matrix population model (MPM) is generated by taking a large number of random independent draws using the sampling distribution of each underlying transition rate. The approach rests on our assumption that survival-related processes are binomial, while reproduction is a Poisson process (see the function add_mpm_error() for details).


compute_ci(mat_U, mat_F, sample_size, FUN, ..., n_sim = 1000, dist.out = FALSE)



A matrix that describes the growth and survival process.


A matrix that describes reproduction.


either (1) a single matrix of sample sizes for each element of the MPM, (2) a list of two named matrices ("mat_F_ss", "mat_U_ss") containing sample sizes for the survival and fertility submatrices of the MPM or (3) a single value applied to the whole matrix


A function to apply to each simulated matrix population model. This function must take, as input, a single matrix population model (i.e., the A matrix). For functions that require only the U matrix, use compute_ci_U.


Additional arguments to be passed to FUN.


An integer indicating the number of simulations to run. Default is 1000.


Logical. If TRUE, returns a list with both the quantiles and the simulated estimates. Default is FALSE.


The inputs are the U matrix, which describes the survival-related processes, and the F matrix which describes reproduction. The underlying assumption is that the U matrix is the average of a binomial process while the F matrix is the average of a Poisson process . The confidence interval will depend largely on the sample size used.


If dist.out is FALSE, a numeric vector of the 2.5th and 97.5th quantiles of the estimated measures. If dist.out = TRUE, a list with two elements: quantiles and estimates. quantiles is a numeric vector of the 2.5th and 97.5th quantiles of the estimated measures, and estimates is a numeric vector of the estimated measures.


Owen Jones


Chapter 12 in Caswell, H. (2001). Matrix Population Models. Sinauer Associates Incorporated.

See Also

Other errors: add_mpm_error(), calculate_errors(), compute_ci_U()


set.seed(42) # set seed for repeatability

# Data for use in example
matU <- matrix(c(
  0.1, 0.0,
  0.2, 0.4
), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)

matF <- matrix(c(
  0.0, 5.0,
  0.0, 0.0
), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)


# Example of use to calculate 95% CI of lambda
  mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = 10, FUN =

# Example of use to calculate 95% CI of generation time
  mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = 40, FUN =

# Example of use to calculate 95% CI of generation time and show the
# distribution of those bootstrapped estimates
xx <- compute_ci(
  mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = 100, FUN =
    popbio::generation.time, dist.out = TRUE

[Package mpmsim version 3.0.0 Index]