wallabies {mplot} | R Documentation |
Rock-wallabies data set
On Chalkers Top in the Warrumbungles (NSW, Australia) 200 evenly distributed one metre squared plots were surveyed. Plots were placed at a density of 7-13 per hectare. The presence or absence of fresh (<1 month old) scats of rock-wallabies was recorded for each plot along with location and a selection of predictor variables.
A data frame with 200 observations on 9 variables.
- rw
Presence of rock-wallaby scat
- edible
Percentage cover of edible vegetation
- inedible
Percentage cover of inedible vegetation
- canopy
Percentage canopy cover
- distance
Distance from diurnal refuge
- shelter
Whether or not a plot occurred within a shelter point (large rock or boulder pile)
- lat
Latitude of the plot location
- long
Longitude of the plot location
Macropods defaecate randomly as they forage and scat (faecal pellet) surveys are a reliable method for detecting the presence of rock-wallabies and other macropods. Scats are used as an indication of spatial foraging patterns of rock-wallabies and sympatric macropods. Scats deposited while foraging were not confused with scats deposited while resting because the daytime refuge areas of rock-wallabies were known in detail for each colony and no samples were taken from those areas. Each of the 200 sites were examined separately to account for the different levels of predation risk and the abundance of rock-wallabies.
Tuft KD, Crowther MS, Connell K, Mueller S and McArthur C (2011), Predation risk and competitive interactions affect foraging of an endangered refuge-dependent herbivore. Animal Conservation, 14: 447-457. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1795.2011.00446.x
wdat = data.frame(subset(wallabies,select=-c(lat,long)),
EaD = wallabies$edible*wallabies$distance,
EaS = wallabies$edible*wallabies$shelter,
DaS = wallabies$distance*wallabies$shelter)
M1 = glm(rw~., family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = wdat)