coef.cotframe {mpitbR}R Documentation

Extract the coefficients from the estimated changes over time measures


Extract the coefficients from the estimated changes over time measures


## S3 method for class 'cotframe'
coef(object, ...)



a "cotframe"-class object


other arguments.


The coef method for "cotframe"-class objects find the point estimates from the changes over time data frame. This method work for only one measure c("M0","H","A","hd","hdk"). Then, user should subset the data frame with the estimates by the chosen measure (including other preferred categories, i.e., poverty cut-off, subgroup, etc.)


Coefficients extracted from the model cotframe object.


Ignacio Girela

See Also

confint, and summary methods, and mpitb.est function.



data <- subset(syn_cdta)
data <- na.omit(data)

svydata <- survey::svydesign(id=~psu, weights = ~weight, strata = ~stratum, data = data)

indicators <- list(d1 = c("d_nutr","d_cm"),
                   d2 = c("d_satt","d_educ"),
                   d3 = c("d_elct","d_sani","d_wtr","d_hsg","d_ckfl","d_asst"))

# Specify mpitb project
set <- mpitb.set(svydata, indicators = indicators, name = "myname", desc = "pref. desc")

# Estimate the cross-sectional MPI and compare non-annualized changes over time
est <- mpitb.est(set, klist = c(33), measures = "M0", indmeasures = NULL,
                 tvar = "t", cotmeasures = "M0",
                 weights = "equal", over = c("area"))

coef(subset(est$lframe, measure == "M0" & t == 1))
confint(subset(est$lframe, measure == "M0" & t == 1))
summary(subset(est$lframe, measure == "M0" & t == 1))

coef(subset(est$cotframe, measure == "M0"))
confint(subset(est$cotframe, measure == "M0"))
summary(subset(est$cotframe, measure == "M0" & ctype == "abs" & ann == 0 & k == 33))

[Package mpitbR version 1.0.0 Index]