Process and Analyse Data from m-Path Sense

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Documentation for package ‘mpathsenser’ version 1.2.3

Help Pages

add_gaps Add gap periods to sensor data
app_category Find the category of an app on the Google Play Store
bin_data Create bins in variable time series
ccopy Copy mpathsenser zip files to a new location
close_db Close a database connection
copy_db Copy (a subset of) a database to another database
coverage Create a coverage chart of the sampling rate
create_db Create a new mpathsenser database
decrypt_gps Decrypt GPS data from a curve25519 public key
device_info Get the device info for one or more participants
first_date Extract the date of the first entry
fix_jsons Fix the end of JSON files
freq Measurement frequencies per sensor
geocode_rev Reverse geocoding with latitude and longitude
get_data Extract data from an m-Path Sense database
get_nrows Get the number of rows per sensor in a mpathsenser database
get_participants Get all participants
get_processed_files Get all processed files from a database
get_studies Get all studies
haversine Calculate the Great-Circle Distance between two points in kilometers
identify_gaps Identify gaps in mpathsenser mobile sensing data
import Import m-Path Sense files into a database
index_db Create indexes for an mpathsenser database
installed_apps Get installed apps
last_date Extract the date of the last entry
link Link y to the time scale of x
link_db Link two sensors OR one sensor and an external data frame using an mpathsenser database
link_gaps Link gaps to (ESM) data
moving_average Moving average for values in an mpathsenser database
open_db Open an mpathsenser database.
plot.coverage Plot a coverage overview
sensors Available Sensors
test_jsons Test JSON files for being in the correct format.
unzip_data Unzip m-Path Sense output
vacuum_db Vacuum a database