plot.buildROC {movieROC}R Documentation

Plot the building procedure of the ROC curve


This function tracks the ROC curve. It plots two graphics in the same figure: right, the empirical ROC curve estimate; left, classification subset for a particular FPR or threshold(s) for the marker (threshold only for object of class ‘groc’).


## S3 method for class 'buildROC'
plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'groc'
plot.buildROC(x, FPR = NULL, C = NULL, XL = NULL, XU = NULL, h = c(1,1), 
    histogram = FALSE, breaks = 15, reduce = TRUE, build.process = FALSE, 
    completeROC = FALSE, new.window = FALSE, legends = FALSE, type = 's', 
    cex.point = 1.5, lwd.curve = 2, mar = NULL, lim.density = 0.01, xlim = NULL, 
    ylim = NULL, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 2, xlab = "Marker", 
    main.density = "Density functions", col.controlscases = c('#485C99','#8F3D52'), 
    col.threshold = '#FCBA04', col.curve = 'black', eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 
## S3 method for class 'biroc'
plot.buildROC(x, FPR = 0.15, build.process = FALSE, completeROC = TRUE, 
    new = FALSE, new.window = FALSE, border = TRUE, cutoff = TRUE, 
    legends = FALSE, type = 's', col.controlscases = c('#485C99','#8F3D52'), 
    col.threshold = '#FCBA04', col.curve = 'black', cex.point = 1.5, 
    alpha.points = .75, alpha.contour = 0.25, lwd.curve = 2, lty.curve = 1, 
    cex = 0.8, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 2, xlab = "X1", ylab = "X2", 
    lf = NULL, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...)
## S3 method for class 'multiroc'
plot.buildROC(x, FPR = 0.15, display.method = c("PCA", "OV"), 
    displayOV = c(1,2), build.process = FALSE, completeROC = TRUE, 
    new = FALSE, new.window = FALSE, border = FALSE, cutoff = TRUE, legends = FALSE, 
    type = 's', col.controlscases = c('#485C99','#8F3D52'), 
    col.threshold = '#FCBA04', col.curve = 'black', cex.point = 1.5, 
    alpha.points = .75, alpha.contour = 0.25, lwd.curve = 2, lty.curve = 1, 
    cex = 0.8, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 2, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, 
    lf = NULL, eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...)



An ROC curve object from movieROC package. Possible classes are: ‘groc’ (output of gROC function), ‘biroc’ (output of biROC function), and ‘multiroc’ (output of multiROC function).


False-positive rate for which the left plot is computed. Default: 0.15.


Marker cutoff for which the left plot is computed. Only available for a ‘groc’ object.


Marker cutoffs for which the left plot is computed. Only available for object of class ‘groc’ with side = "both" or "both2".


A vector of length 2 with the bandwidth used to compute kernel density estimation for controls and cases, respectively. See adjust parameter in density function from stats package. Default: h = c(1,1).


If TRUE, histograms are displayed on the left instead of kernel density estimates. Default: FALSE. Only available for a ‘groc’ object.


If histogram = TRUE, number of breaks used for the histograms. Default: 15.


If FALSE, two extra graphics are displayed at the bottom (see Details for more information). Default: TRUE. Only available for a ‘groc’ object.


If FALSE, the whole ROC curve is displayed; otherwise, if completeROC = TRUE, the portion of the ROC curve until the fixed FPR is highlighted in black and the rest is shown in gray. Default: FALSE.


If build.process = TRUE, a logical value indicating if the whole ROC curve should be displayed in light gray or not. Default: FALSE for ‘groc’ object; TRUE for ‘biroc’ and ‘multiroc’ objects.

new.window, new

If TRUE, graphics are displayed in a new window. Default: FALSE. new not available for object of class ‘groc’.


If TRUE, a legend with colors meaning is displayed on the left graphic and the AUC is shown on the right graphic. Default: FALSE.

type, lty.curve, lwd.curve, col.curve

The line type, width and color for ROC curve. Default: type = "s" (stair steps), lty.curve = 1 (solid), lwd.curve = 2 and col.curve = "black".

cex.lab, cex.axis, cex.main

The magnification to be used for labels, axis annotation and main titles, respectively, relative to the current setting of cex. Default: cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 2.


A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default. Default: 0.8. Not available for object of class ‘groc’ (cex=1 in this case).


The magnification to be used for the particular point on the ROC curve and its text, relative to the current setting of cex. Default: cex.point = 1.5.

xlim, ylim

Range for x- and y-axis on the left plot. Only available for a ‘groc’ object.


If xlim is NULL, lower limit for the density estimate to compute the range for the x-axis on the left plot. Default: 0.01. Only available for a ‘groc’ object.

xlab, ylab

Label for x- and y-axis on the left plot. ylab not available for object of class ‘groc’.


Title for the left plot. Only available for a ‘groc’ object.


Vector of length 2 with the color used to control and case group, respectively. Default: c('#485C99','#8F3D52').


Color for the chosen point. Default: "FCBA04".


A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on the four sides of the plot. Only available for a ‘groc’ object.


Epsilon value to consider. Default: sqrt(.Machine$double.eps).


If TRUE, a border for the classification subsets is drawn. Default: TRUE for ‘biroc’ object and FALSE for ‘multiroc’ object. Not available for object of class ‘groc’.


If TRUE, the cutoff value for the resulting univariate marker is displayed on the right plot (ROC curve). Default: TRUE. Not available for object of class ‘groc’.

alpha.points, alpha.contour

Number in [0,1] modifying the opacity alpha of the color for the points and classification region. The adjustcolor function in grDevices package is used. Default: alpha.points = 0.75, alpha.contour = 0.25. Not available for object of class ‘groc’.


Epsilon value for steps. Not used. Not available for object of class ‘groc’.


Method to display the marker values from a ‘multiroc’ object on the left plot. Methods available: "OV" (projected over two selected components of the marker indicated in displayOV), or "PCA" (projected over the two principal components from a Principal Component Analysis). Default: "PCA". Only available for object of class ‘multiroc’.


If display.method = "OV", the two components of the marker used to project the marker values on the left plot. Default: c(1,2) (two first components). Only available for object of class ‘multiroc’.


Other parameters to be passed. Not used.


- For univariate ROC curves:

It plots two graphics in the same figure: left, density function estimates for the marker in both populations with the areas corresponding to FPR and TPR colored (blue and red, respectively) for a particular FPR or threshold(s) for the marker; right, the empirical ROC curve estimate.

For an object of class ‘groc’, if the input parameter reduce = FALSE, two more graphics are displayed at the bottom: left, boxplots for the marker distribution in both populations; right, classification subsets for every false-positive rate (grey color by default).

- For multivariate ROC curves:

Plot two graphics in the same figure: right, the ROC curve highlighting the point and the threshold for the resulting univariate marker; left, scatterplot with the marker values for controls (blue color) and cases (red color), and the classification subset (in gold color) reporting the false-positive rate selected by the user (if FPR is not NULL).

If build.process = FALSE, the whole ROC curve is displayed; otherwise, if completeROC = TRUE, the portion of the ROC curve until the fixed FPR is highlighted in black and the rest is shown in gray, while if completeROC = FALSE, only the first portion of the curve is illustrated.


A plot of the building procedure of the ROC curve with the selected graphical parameters



# Standard ROC curve for gene 20202438
roc_cg20202438 <- gROC(X = HCC$cg20202438, D = HCC$tumor, side = "right")
plot.buildROC(roc_cg20202438, C = .77, build.process = TRUE, reduce = FALSE)

# Multivariate ROC curve for genes 0202438, 18384097, and 03515901
multiroc_PT <- multiROC(X = cbind(HCC$cg20202438, HCC$cg18384097, HCC$cg03515901), 
    D = HCC$tumor, method = "fixedLinear", methodLinear = "PepeThompson")
plot.buildROC(multiroc_PT, cex = 1.2, lwd.curve = 4) # Two first components from PCA
plot.buildROC(multiroc_PT, display.method = "OV", displayOV = c(1,3), 
    cex = 1.2, xlab = "Gene 20202438", ylab = "Gene 03515901", lwd.curve = 4)

[Package movieROC version 0.1.0 Index]