Analysis and Visualisation of Musical Audio and Video Movement Synchrony Data

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Documentation for package ‘movementsync’ version 0.1.4

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-- A --

analyze_coherency Analyze Coherency from View object
analyze_wavelet Analyze Wavelet from View object
apply_column_spliceview Apply summary function to the columns in each segment of a SpliceView object
apply_filter Apply a filter to a View
apply_filter_sgolay Apply a Savitzky-Golay filter to a view
apply_segment_spliceview Apply complex function to each segment in a SpliceView object
autolayer Autolayer methods
autolayer.Duration Autolayer methods
autolayer.Metre Autolayer methods
autolayer.OnsetsSelected Autolayer methods
autolayer.Splice Autolayer methods
autoplot Diagnostic plots
autoplot.Duration Diagnostic plots
autoplot.GrangerTime Plot a Granger S3 object
autoplot.Metre Diagnostic plots
autoplot.OnsetsSelected Diagnostic plots
autoplot.SpectralDensityView Autoplot a SpectralDensityView S3 object
autoplot.SplicedView Diagnostic plots
autoplot.View Diagnostic plots
ave_cross_power_over_splices Calculate mean average cross power over splices using a splicing table
ave_cross_power_spliceview Get the average cross power on each segment in a SplicedView
ave_power_over_splices Calculate mean average power over splices using a splicing table
ave_power_spliceview Get the average power on each segment in a SplicedView

-- C --

calculate_ave_cross_power1 Calculate average cross power distribution using a splicing table
calculate_ave_power1 Calculate average power distribution using a splicing table
clip_splice Clip a splice so segments are of fixed duration
compare_ave_cross_power1 Compare average cross power distribution using a splicing table
compare_ave_power1 Compare average power distribution using a splicing table
compare_avg_cross_power2 Compare the average cross power distribution of two SplicedViews using sampling on each segment
compare_avg_power2 Compare the average power distribution of two SplicedViews using sampling on each segment

-- D --

difference_onsets Get onset differences
distribution_dp Distribution plot of a view object

-- G --

get_data_points Get the data points held in a view
get_duration_annotation_data Get duration annotation data
get_feature_data Get Feature Data
get_filtered_views Get filtered views
get_granger_interactions Get Granger Causality interactions
get_joined_view Get joined view from multiple views from the same recording
get_local_max_average_power Get periods locally maximal average power
get_metre_data Get metre files
get_onsets_selected_data Get onsets selected files
get_osf_recordings Get movementsync recording from OSF
get_processed_view Get processed view from Pose video data
get_processed_views Get processed views
get_raw_optflow_view Creates time reference and displacement from raw csv optflow data
get_raw_view Get view from Pose video data
get_raw_views Get Pose views from a recording
get_recording Get a meta-data recording object
get_sample_recording Get sample meta-data recording object
get_spliced_view Get spliced view from view object
granger_test Granger causality tests applied to a SplicedView

-- I --

is_splice_overlapping Checks if splicing data.frames overlap

-- L --

list_osf_recordings List available recordings for movementsync from OSF

-- M --

map_to_granger_test Map duration object comments to a Granger Test object
merge_splice Merge splices together using set operations
motion_gram Motion gram of a view object
ms_condgrangertest Test for Conditional Granger Causality
ms_grangertest1 Test for Granger Causality
ms_grangertest2 Test for Granger Causality

-- N --

NIR_ABh_Puriya_Annotation NIR_ABh_Puriya_Annotation
NIR_ABh_Puriya_Annotation_Influence NIR_ABh_Puriya_Annotation_Influence
NIR_ABh_Puriya_Central_Feature_Sitar NIR_ABh_Puriya_Central_Feature_Sitar
NIR_ABh_Puriya_Central_Pose_Sitar NIR_ABh_Puriya_Central_Pose_Sitar
NIR_ABh_Puriya_Central_Pose_Tabla NIR_ABh_Puriya_Central_Pose_Tabla
NIR_ABh_Puriya_Metre_DrutTeental NIR_ABh_Puriya_Metre_DrutTeental
NIR_ABh_Puriya_Metre_VilambitTeental NIR_ABh_Puriya_Metre_VilambitTeental
NIR_ABh_Puriya_Onsets_Selected_DrutTeental NIR_ABh_Puriya_Onsets_Selected_DrutTeental
NIR_ABh_Puriya_Onsets_Selected_VilambitTeental NIR_ABh_Puriya_Onsets_Selected_VilambitTeental
NIR_ABh_Puriya_OptFlow_Central_Sitar NIR_ABh_Puriya_OptFlow_Central_Sitar

-- O --

open_movementsync_data Opens movementsync data home page at OSF

-- P --

plot.Duration Plot a Duration S3 object
plot.GrangerInteraction Plot network diagram of Granger Causalities
plot.Metre Plot a Metre S3 object
plot.OnsetsSelected Plot a OnsetsSelected S3 object
plot.View Plot a View S3 object
plot_average_coherency Plot average coherency of a coherency object
plot_average_power Plot average power of a wavelet object
plot_coherence Plot a coherency of a wavelet object
plot_cross_spectrum Plot a coherency of a wavelet object
plot_cwt_energy Plot cross wavelet energy of a wavelet object
plot_history_xy Plot a set of data points over time
plot_influence_diagram Plot influence diagram from a GrangerTest object
plot_phase_difference Plot a coherency of a wavelet object
plot_power_spectrum Plot a power spectrum of a wavelet object
plot_roll_resultant_length Plot windowed resultant length
plot_sel_phases Comparison plot of phases of a coherency object
plot_wt_energy Plot wavelet energy of a wavelet object
pull_segment_spliceview Apply function to SplicedView and pull out element from output

-- S --

sample_gap_splice Randomly create matching segments from a splicing table without overlaps
sample_offset_splice Randomly create matching segments from a splicing table without overlaps
sample_time_spliced_views Sample the time line from a list of Views
sapply_column_spliceview Apply summary function to the columns in each segment of a SpliceView object
specgram_plot Specgram Plot
spectral_density Estimate the spectral density of data points
splice_time S3 generic function to splice a timeline
splice_time.Duration Generate spliced timeline using a Duration object
splice_time.list Generate spliced timeline using a list
splice_time.Metre Generate spliced timeline using a Metre object
splice_time.OnsetsDifference Generate spliced timeline using an 'OnsetsDifference' object
splice_time.View Generate spliced timeline using a view
split.SplicedView Get a list of Views from a SplicedView
subset.View Subset a View
summary.analyze.wavelet Summarise an analyze.wavelet object
summary.Duration Summarise Duration object
summary.Metre Summarise Metre object
summary.OnsetsSelected Summarise OnsetsSelected object
summary.Recording Summarise Recording object
summary.sel.phases Summarises a sel.phases object
summary.View Summarise a View object
summary_onsets Summary of difference in onsets

-- V --

velocity_dp Velocity plot of a view object
visualise_sample_splices Visualise random splices

-- X --

xlim_duration Get a ggplot2 xlim object based on duration data