movegroup {movegroup} | R Documentation |
Automates dynamic Brownian bridge movement model construction across individuals
Automates dynamic Brownian bridge movement model calculation for utilization distribution (UD) estimation for multiple individuals simultaneously, using functions in the 'move' package. The authors are indebted to the move package authors Bart Kraunstauber, Marco Smolla, and Anne K Scharf, and to Sarah Becker for seed code which inspired the development of the movegroup::movegroup function.
data = NULL,
Datetime = NULL,
Lat = NULL,
Lon = NULL,
dat.TZ = "US/Eastern",
proj = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"),
sensor = "VR2W",
moveLocError = 1,
timeDiffLong = 2,
timeDiffUnits = "hours",
center = TRUE,
centre = NULL,
buffpct = 0.3,
rasterExtent = NULL,
rasterCRS = sp::CRS("+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84"),
rasterResolution = 50,
movemargin = 11,
dbbext = 3,
dbbwindowsize = 23,
writeRasterFormat = "ascii",
writeRasterExtension = ".asc",
writeRasterDatatype = "FLT4S",
absVolumeAreaSaveName = "VolumeArea_AbsoluteScale.csv",
savedir = tempdir(),
alerts = TRUE
data |
Data frame object containing the data. Requires columns Lat Lon DateTime ID and potentially a grouping column (not currently implemented, email to request). Column names specified in later parameters. |
ID |
Name of animal tag ID column in data. "Character". |
Datetime |
Column name in data that contains date/time stamps for each recorded detection. Must be in POSIXct format. "Character". |
Lat |
Name of latitude column in data. "Character". |
Lon |
Name of longitude column in data. "Character". |
dat.TZ |
Timezone of data for as.POSIXct. Default "US/Eastern". |
proj |
CRS for move function. Default sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"). |
sensor |
Sensor for move function. Single character or vector with length of the number of coordinates. Optional. Default "VR2W". |
moveLocError |
Location error (m) in the 'brownian.bridge.dyn' function in the 'move' package. Numeric. Either single or a vector of length nrow data. If using passive acoustic data this is the detection range of the receiver(s). Default 1. See MoveLocErrorCalc function for satellite data with state space modelled locations with 95% confidence intervals for latlon i.e. lat and lon025 and 975. |
timeDiffLong |
Single numeric value. Threshold value in timeDiffUnits designating the length of long breaks in re-locations. Used for bursting a movement track into segments, thereby removing long breaks from the movement track. See ?move::bursted for details. Default 2 hours is arbitrary, looping through 18, 24, and 36 hours for satellite data on great hammerhead sharks revealed volume areas for core and general use gradually rise with timeDiffLong increases, multiple small dots of presence get blobbed together, and therefore sometimes this covers land. Ideally one would not discard any data, in which case one should choose a value higher than the largest between-detections gap in their dataset (or just pick a very large number). This parameter is useful when the model would otherwise get stuck trying to calculate a UD for an individual with a very large home range that is inadequately captured by a receiver array. Default 2. |
timeDiffUnits |
Character. Unit for timeDiffLong. Default "hours". |
center |
US English alternate to centre. Do you want to center the move object within extent? See spTransform. Default TRUE. |
centre |
British English alternate to center. Do you want to centre the move object within extent? See spTransform. Default NULL. |
buffpct |
Buffer extent for raster creation, proportion of 1. Default 0.3, can try e.g. 3 for a large buffer to avoid clipping, at the cost of file size, but later cropping in plotraster.R will remove extraneous blank space. |
rasterExtent |
Extent of raster created around data. If NULL (default), calculated from data, buffpct, rasterResolution. Else length 4 vector, c(xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx) decimal latlon degrees. Don't go to 90 (degrees) north or south for ymax or ymin. Doesn't prevent constraint to data limits (in plot anyway), but prevents raster clipping crash. |
rasterCRS |
CRS for raster creation. Default sp::CRS("+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84"). |
rasterResolution |
Single numeric value to set raster resolution - cell size (width and height) in metres. 111000: 1 degree lat = 111km. Trade-off between small res = big file & processing time. Should be a function of the spatial resolution of your receivers or positioning tags. Higher resolution will lead to more precision in the volume areas calculations. Try using 2*dbblocationerror, if dbblocationerror is a single value. Default 50 = 50m = 50m² = 0.00005 km² (divide by 1000000). Try around the median of your moveLocError. |
movemargin |
Margin size for variance calc in move::brownian.motion.variance.dyn and behavioural change point analysis in move::brownian.bridge.dyn. Must be an odd number. Default 11. |
dbbext |
Ext param in the 'brownian.bridge.dyn' function in the 'move' package. Extends bounding box around track. Numeric single (all edges), double (x & y), or 4 (xmin xmax ymin ymax) . Default 3. Excessive buffering will get cropped automatically. |
dbbwindowsize |
The window.size param in the 'brownian.bridge.dyn' function in the 'move' package. The size of the moving window along the track. Larger windows provide more stable/accurate estimates of the brownian motion variance but are less well able to capture more frequent changes in behaviour. Number must be odd. Code will not run if total detections of individual < window size (default 23), which must be >= 2*movemargin (default 11). |
writeRasterFormat |
Character. Output file type for raster::writeRaster param format. Default "ascii". TO DEPRECIATE. |
writeRasterExtension |
Character. Output file extension for raster::writeRaster param extension. Default ".asc". TO DEPRECIATE. |
writeRasterDatatype |
Character. Data type for writing values to disk for raster::writeRaster param Datatype. Default "FLT4S". TO DEPRECIATE. |
absVolumeAreaSaveName |
File name plus extension where UD estimates are saved. Default "VolumeArea_AbsoluteScale.csv". |
savedir |
Save outputs to a temporary directory (default) else change to desired directory e.g. "/home/me/folder". Do not use getwd() for this. Do NOT include terminal slash. Directory must exist. Default tempdir(). |
alerts |
Audio warning for failures. Default TRUE. |
Step 1. Filter individuals. Remove those individuals for which there are insufficient data i.e. number of re-locations is smaller than the window size parameter value (default = 31). Step 2. Generate universal raster. Based on all remaining data, a universal raster is generated where the calculated UDs are plotted into.
Step 3. Loop through individuals. Individuals are looped through to construct individual-level movement models (on an absolute scale).
See for issues, feedback, and development suggestions.
install_git('') #Installs 'move' development version
When used together, the order of functions would be: movegroup, scaleraster, alignraster if required, plotraster.
Errors and their origins:
Error in .local(object, raster, location.error = location.error, ext = ext: Higher y grid not large enough, consider extending the raster in that direction or enlarging the ext argument. Increase buffpct, e.g. to 3.
Error in .data[[dttm]]: Must subset the data pronoun with a string, not a <POSIXct/POSIXt> object. Use "ColName" not dataframe$ColName syntax for Datetime, ID, Lat, Lon.
Error in splice(dot_call(capture_dots, frame_env = frame_env, named = named,: object 'DateTime' not found. Use "ColName" not ColName syntax for Datetime, ID, Lat, Lon.
Error in .local(object, raster, location.error = location.error, ext = ext: Higher x grid not large enough, consider extending the raster in that direction or enlarging the ext argument. Try "buffpct = 1," , then larger e.g. 3, if still getting the error.
cannot allocate vector of size (BIG) Gb: Increase rasterResolution value.
In min/max: No non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf: likely not enough memory, increase rasterResolution value.
Error in tmp[[i]]: subscript out of bounds. dbbmmwindowsize may be too large relative to nrow of that individual. Try lowering movemargin (default 11, has to be odd) and then lowering dbbmmwindowsize (default 23, has to be >=2*movemargin, has to be odd).
Individual-level utilization distributions, saved as rasters, as well as calculated volume area estimates for 50 and 95pct contours, saved in a .csv file. Motion variance csvs per individual ("MotionVariance.csv"), see move::brownian.motion.variance.dyn. No processed object is returned, i.e. bad: "objectname <- movegroup()", good: "movegroup()".
Simon Dedman,
Maurits van Zinnicq Bergmann,
Kranstauber, B., Kays, R., LaPoint, S. D., Wikelski, M. and Safi, K. (2012), A dynamic Brownian bridge movement model to estimate utilization distributions for heterogeneous animal movement. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2012.01955.x
Kranstauber, B., M. Smolla & A. K. Scharf. 2019. Move: visualizing and analyzing animal track data. R package version 4.2.4 (at 2023-08-15).
# load data
# run function
data = TracksCleaned,
ID = "Shark",
Datetime = "Datetime",
Lat = "Lat",
Lon = "Lon",
savedir = tempdir())