mt_filter_unique {move2}R Documentation

Filter out duplicated records from a move2 object



mt_filter_unique(x, ...)

  criterion = c("subsets", "subsets_equal", "sample", "first", "last"),
  additional_columns = NULL,



The move2 object to filter


Arguments passed on to the mt_unique function like criterion and arguments to the equivalence function when one of the "subsets" criteria is use, this allows for example controlling the tolerance (base::all.equal())


The criterion to decide what records to filter out. For more information see Details below.


In some cases different sensors or tracking devices might have the same combination of time and track identifier. It might, for example, be desirable to retain records from an accelerometer and gps recorded at the same time. This argument can be used to indicate additional column to include in the grouping within which the records should not be duplicated. See the examples below for its usage.


To make an informed choice of how to remove duplicates, we recommend to first try to understand why the data set has duplicates.

Several methods for filtering duplicates are available the options can be controlled through the criterion argument:


mt_uniquereturns a logical vector indicating the unique records.
mt_filter_unique returns a filtered move2 object

See Also

Other filter: mt_filter_movebank_visible(), mt_filter_per_interval()


m <- mt_sim_brownian_motion(1:2)[rep(1:4, 4), ]
m$sensor_type <- as.character(gl(2, 4))
m$sensor_type_2 <- as.character(gl(2, 8))
table(mt_unique(m, "sample"))
mt_filter_unique(m[, c("time", "track", "geometry")])
mt_filter_unique(m[, c("time", "track", "geometry", "sensor_type")],
  additional_columns = sensor_type
if (requireNamespace("dplyr")) {
  mt_filter_unique(m, additional_columns = across(all_of(c("sensor_type", "sensor_type_2"))))
mt_filter_unique(m, "sample")
mt_filter_unique(m, "first")
m$sensor_type[1:12] <- NA
mt_filter_unique(m[, c("time", "track", "geometry", "sensor_type")])

## Sometimes it is desirable to not consider specific columns for finding
## the unique records. For example the record identifier like `event_id`
## in movebank This can be done by reducing the data.frame used to identify
## the unique records e.g.:
m$event_id <- seq_len(nrow(m))
m[mt_unique(m |> dplyr::select(-event_id, -ends_with("type_2"))), ]
## Note that because we subset the full original data.frame the
## columns are not lost

## This example is to retain the duplicate entry which contains the least
## number of columns with NA values
mv <- mt_read(mt_example())
mv <- dplyr::bind_rows(mv, mv[1:10, ])
mv[, "eobs:used-time-to-get-fix"] <- NA
mv_no_dup <- mv |>
  dplyr::mutate(n_na = rowSums( |>
  dplyr::arrange(n_na) |>
  mt_filter_unique(criterion = "first")

[Package move2 version 0.3.0 Index]