mt_example {mousetrap}R Documentation

A mousetrap data object.


A data object of class "mousetrap" with example data created by importing mt_example_raw and applying basic post-processing.




A mousetrap data object is a list containing at least the following objects:

Some functions in this package (e.g., mt_time_normalize and mt_average) add additional trajectory arrays (e.g., tn_trajectories and av_trajectories) to the mousetrap data object. Other functions modify the existing arrays (e.g., mt_derivatives adds distance, velocity, and acceleration to an existing dataset). Finally mt_measures adds an additional data.frame with mouse-tracking measures to it.


The raw data set was imported using mt_import_mousetrap. Trajectories were then remapped using mt_remap_symmetric so that all trajectories end in the top-left corner and their starting point was aligned using mt_align_start to a common value (0,0).

[Package mousetrap version 3.2.3 Index]