Alcohol |
Alcohol Consumption per Capita |
Birthdays |
US Births in 1969 - 1988 |
Births |
US Births |
Births2015 |
US Births |
Births78 |
US Births |
BirthsCDC |
US Births |
BirthsSSA |
US Births |
card |
Standard Deck of Cards |
Cards |
Standard Deck of Cards |
CoolingWater |
CoolingWater |
Countries |
Countries |
CPS85 |
Data from the 1985 Current Population Survey (CPS85) |
Dimes |
Weight of dimes |
Galton |
Galton's dataset of parent and child heights |
Gestation |
Data from the Child Health and Development Studies |
GoosePermits |
Goose Permit Study |
HeatX |
Data from a heat exchanger laboratory |
HELPfull |
Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care |
HELPmiss |
Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care |
HELPrct |
Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care |
KidsFeet |
Foot measurements in children |
Marriage |
Marriage records |
Mites |
Mites and Wilt Disease |
RailTrail |
Volume of Users of a Rail Trail |
Riders |
Volume of Users of a Massachusetts Rail Trail |
SaratogaHouses |
Houses in Saratoga County (2006) |
State by State SAT data |
SnowGR |
Snowfall data for Grand Rapids, MI |
SwimRecords |
100 m Swimming World Records |
TenMileRace |
Cherry Blossom Race |
Utilities |
Utility bills |
Utilities2 |
Utility bills |
Weather |
Weather |
Whickham |
Data from the Whickham survey |