ash_points | Compute knot points of an average shifted histogram |
ci.mean | Interval statistics |
ci.median | Interval statistics |
ci.prop | Interval statistics | | Interval statistics |
coef | Extract coefficients from a function |
coef.function | Extract coefficients from a function |
columns | return a vector of row or column indices |
compare | Campare two numeric vectors |
condition | Parse Formulas |
condition.formula | Parse Formulas |
condition.parsedFormula | Parse Formulas |
count | Compute proportions, percents, or counts for a single level |
counts | Compute all proportions or counts |
counts.default | Compute all proportions or counts |
counts.factor | Compute all proportions or counts |
counts.formula | Compute all proportions or counts |
coverage | Interval statistics |
dfapply | apply-type function for data frames |
df_stats | Calculate statistics for "response" variables |
ediff | Lagged Differences with equal length |
evalFormula | Evaluate a formula |
evalSubFormula | Evaluate a part of a formula |
fit_distr_fun | Fit a distribution to data and return a function |
formularise | Convert lazy objects into formulas |
ilogit | Logit and inverse logit functions |
infer_transformation | Infer a Back-Transformation |
inspect | Inspect objects |
inspect.character | Inspect objects | | Inspect objects |
inspect.Date | Inspect objects |
inspect.factor | Inspect objects |
inspect.list | Inspect objects |
inspect.logical | Inspect objects |
inspect.numeric | Inspect objects |
inspect.POSIXt | Inspect objects |
interval_statistics | Interval statistics |
joinFrames | Join data frames |
joinTwoFrames | Join data frames |
lhs | Parse Formulas |
lhs.formula | Parse Formulas |
lhs.parsedFormula | Parse Formulas |
logical2factor | Convert logical vector into factor | | Convert logical vector into factor |
logical2factor.default | Convert logical vector into factor |
logit | Logit and inverse logit functions |
makeFun | Create a function from a formula |
makeFun.formula | Create a function from a formula |
makeFun.function | Create a function from a formula |
makeFun.glm | Create a function from a formula |
makeFun.lm | Create a function from a formula |
makeFun.nls | Create a function from a formula |
make_df | Convert to a data frame |
make_df.default | Convert to a data frame |
make_df.list | Convert to a data frame |
make_df.matrix | Convert to a data frame |
make_df.numeric | Convert to a data frame |
modelVars | extract predictor variables from a model |
mosaic_count | Internal tally methods |
mosaic_formula | Convert formulas into standard shapes |
mosaic_formula_q | Convert formulas into standard shapes |
mosaic_tally | Internal tally methods | | Tabulate categorical data |
mosaic_tally.formula | Tabulate categorical data |
mosaic_tally.tbl | Tabulate categorical data |
msummary | Modified summaries |
msummary.default | Modified summaries |
msummary.glm | Modified summaries |
msummary.lm | Modified summaries |
na.warn | Exclude Missing Data with Warning |
named | List extraction |
named_among | List extraction |
nice_names | Nice names |
n_missing | Counting missing/non-missing elements |
n_not_missing | Counting missing/non-missing elements |
n_total | Counting missing/non-missing elements |
operator | Parse Formulas |
operator.formula | Parse Formulas |
operator.parsedFormula | Parse Formulas |
parse.formula | Parse Formulas |
perc | Compute proportions, percents, or counts for a single level |
percs | Compute all proportions or counts |
print.inspected_data_frame | Inspect objects |
print.msummary.glm | Modified summaries |
print.msummary.lm | Modified summaries |
prop | Compute proportions, percents, or counts for a single level |
prop1 | Compute proportions, percents, or counts for a single level |
props | Compute all proportions or counts |
reop_formula | Insert Inhibition of Interpretation/Conversion into formulas |
rhs | Parse Formulas |
rhs.formula | Parse Formulas |
rhs.parsedFormula | Parse Formulas |
rhs_or_expr | Return rhs of a formula or expression |
rows | return a vector of row or column indices |
tally | Tabulate categorical data |
unnamed | List extraction |
vector2df | Convert a vector to a data frame |