A Toolbox for Conditional Inference Trees and Random Forests

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Documentation for package ‘moreparty’ version 0.4

Help Pages

BivariateAssoc Bivariate association measures for supervised learning tasks.
ctree-module Shiny module to build and analyse conditional inference trees
ctreeServer Shiny module to build and analyse conditional inference trees
ctreeUI Shiny module to build and analyse conditional inference trees
EasyTreeVarImp Variable importance for conditional inference trees.
fastcforest Parallelized conditional inference random forest
fastvarImp Variable importance for conditional inference random forests
fastvarImpAUC Variable importance (with AUC performance measure) for conditional inference random forests
FeatureSelection Feature selection for conditional random forests.
GetAleData Accumulated Local Effects for a conditional random forest.
GetCtree Gets a tree from a conditional random forest
GetInteractionStrength Strength of interactions
GetPartialData Partial dependence for a conditional random forest.
GetSplitStats Permutation tests results for each split in a conditional tree.
ggForestEffects Dot plot of covariates effects
ggVarImp Dot plot of variable importance
ictree An interactive app for conditional inference trees
NiceTreePlot Plots conditional inference trees.
NodesInfo Informations about terminal nodes
NodeTreePlot Plots the results of each node of a conditional inference tree
Outliers Computes outliers
PerfsBinClassif Performance measures for binary classification tasks
PerfsRegression Performance measures for regressions
Prototypes Prototypes of groups
SurrogateTree Surrogate tree for conditional inference random forests
titanic Titanic dataset
TreeStab Stability assessment of conditional inference trees