Functions and Datasets for the Book by Keon-Woong Moon

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Documentation for package ‘moonBook’ version 0.3.1

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acs Demographic data of 857 patients with ACS
addComma Change numbers into formatted numbers
addComma.cbind.mytable Change numbers into formatted numbers
addComma.character Change numbers into formatted numbers Change numbers into formatted numbers
addComma.mytable Change numbers into formatted numbers
addComma.mytable.df Change numbers into formatted numbers
addLabelDf Add value labels to the data.frame
cat.test Perform chisq.test or fisher test
cbind.mytable cbind function for class "mytable"
centerprint Internal mytable functions
changeColnameLabel Change column names with labels
comma Convert number to formatted number
compress Compress an object of class mytable or cbind.mytable
compress.cbind.mytable Compress an object of class mytable or cbind.mytable Compress an object of class mytable or cbind.mytable
compress.mytable Compress an object of class mytable or cbind.mytable
deleteRows Delete rows of class mytable object
densityplot Make Kernel density plot
extractHR Extract hazard ratio from a data.frame
extractKind Extract kind of an object of class mytable
extractOR Extract the odds ratios from a S3 object of glm
getLabel Add column labels to the data.frame
getMapping extract variable name from mapping, aes
HRplot Draw a hazard ratio plot
my.chisq.test Internal mytable functions
my.t.test Internal mytable functions
mycph Perform coxph of individual expecting variables
mycsv Export to csv file for class "mytable" or "cbind.mytable"
mycsv.cbind.mytable Export to csv file for class "cbind.mytable"
mycsv.mytable Export to csv file for class "mytable"
myhtml Export to html file for class "mytable" or "cbind.mytable" of "data.frame"
myhtml.cbind.mytable Export to html file for class "mytable" or "cbind.mytable" of "data.frame"
myhtml.default Export to html file for class "mytable" or "cbind.mytable" of "data.frame"
myhtml.mytable Export to html file for class "mytable" or "cbind.mytable" of "data.frame"
myhtmlHead Print my html style
mylatex Exporting "cbind.mytable","mytable" to LaTeX format
mylatex.cbind.mytable Exporting "cbind.mytable","mytable" to LaTeX format
mylatex.default Exporting "cbind.mytable","mytable" to LaTeX format
mylatex.mytable Exporting "cbind.mytable","mytable" to LaTeX format
mytable Produce table for descriptive statistics Produce table for descriptive statistics
mytable.formula Produce table for descriptive statistics
mytable2 Produce combined table for descriptive statistics
mytable2df Convert mytable object to data.frame
mytable2html Prepare mytable object to data.frame ready to html
mytable_df make mytable from data.frame
mytable_sub Produce table for descriptive statistics
mytable_sub2 Internal mytable functions
num_summary Internal mytable functions
obj2linecount Internal mytable functions
ORplot Plot for odds ratios for a S3 object of glm
ORplot.sub A sub function for ORplot and HRplot
p2sig Internal mytable functions
print.cbind.mytable Print function for class "cbind.mytable"
print.mytable Print function for class "mytable"
print.mytable.df Print an object of mytable.df
printmytable2 Internal mytable functions
r Subfunction used in mylatex
radial Demographic data of 115 patients performing IVUS(intravascular ultrasound) examination of a radial artery.
rank2group rank a numeric vector and returns a new ordinal vector
reprint Internal mytable functions
space Internal mytable functions
summary.cbind.mytable Summarizing function for class "cbind.mytable"
summary.mytable Summarizing function for class "mytable"
validColname Find valid string among character vector from approximate string