risks {monoreg}R Documentation

Absolute risks from 7 survival models


This example dataset includes time-to-event outcomes and absolute risks for reproducing the ROC curves in Figure 3 of Saarela & Arjas (2015), please see the example code below.




A data frame containing the elements


Age at the end of the follow-up (scaled to zero-one interval)


Case status (0=censoring, 1=CVD event, 2=other death).


Age at the start of the follow-up (scaled to zero-one interval).


Absolute risk from model 1.


Absolute risk from model 2.


Absolute risk from model 3.


Absolute risk from model 4.


Absolute risk from model 5.


Absolute risk from model 6.


Absolute risk from model 7.


Saarela O., Arjas E. (2015). Non-parametric Bayesian hazard regression for chronic disease risk assessment. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 42:609–626.


## Not run: 

# Read the example data:

ftime <- (risks$tstop - risks$tstart)/max(risks$tstop - risks$tstart)
ftime <- ifelse(ftime == 0, ftime + 0.00001, ftime)
censvar <- risks$censvar
case <- censvar == 1
dcase <- censvar == 2
a <- risks$tstart
a2 <- a^2
nobs <- nrow(risks)

# Fit a simple parametric model to remove the effect of baseline age:

wmodel <- weibreg(Surv(ftime, case) ~ a + a2, shape=1)
wcoef <- c(coef(wmodel), 0.0)
wlp <- crossprod(t(cbind(a, a2)), wcoef[1:(length(wcoef)-2)])
wpar <- exp(wcoef[(length(wcoef)-1):length(wcoef)])

whaz <- function(x, bz) {
    return(exp(bz) * (wpar[2] / wpar[1]) * (x / wpar[1])^(wpar[2] - 1))
chint <- function(x, bz) {
    return(exp(bz) * (x / wpar[1])^wpar[2])
croot <- function(x, bz, c) {
    return(chint(x, bz) - c)

# Age-matched case-base sample for model validation:

crate <- chint(ftime, wlp)
csrate <- cumsum(crate)
m <- sum(case) * 10
persons <- rep(1:nobs, rmultinom(1, m, crate/sum(crate)))
moments <- rep(NA, m)
for (i in 1:m) {
    u <- runif(1, 0.0, crate[persons[i]])
    moments[i] <- uniroot(croot, c(0.0, ftime[persons[i]]), c=u, 
plot(ecdf(risks$tstart[case]), pch=20, col='red')
plot(ecdf(risks$tstart[persons]), pch=20, col='blue', add=TRUE)

rate <- whaz(moments, wlp[persons])
mrate <- mean(rate)

d <- c(rep(0, m), rep(1, sum(censvar == 1)), rep(2, sum(censvar == 2)), censvar)
mom <- c(moments, ftime[censvar == 1], ftime[censvar == 2], rep(1.0, nobs))
per <- c(persons, (1:nobs)[censvar == 1], (1:nobs)[censvar == 2], 1:nobs)

include <- rep(c(1,0), c(m + sum(censvar == 1) + sum(censvar == 2), nobs))
predict <- as.numeric(!include)

offset <- log(sum(crate)/(m * whaz(mom, wlp[per])))
moffset <- rep(log(sum(crate)/(m * mrate)), length(mom))

sprob <- 1/exp(offset)
msprob <- 1/exp(moffset)

stz <- getcmat(2)
settozero <- rbind(stz[1,], stz[1,], stz[2:3,], stz[2:3,])
package <- 1:nrow(settozero)
cr <- c(1,0,rep(1,2),rep(0,2))

# Fit models removing the age effect:

agecir <- matrix(NA, nobs, 7)
for (i in 1:7) {
    agecir[,i] <- as.numeric(colMeans(
monosurv(niter=15000, burnin=5000, adapt=5000, refresh=10, thin=5, 
         birthdeath=10, timevar=1, seed=1, rhoa=0.1, rhob=0.1, 
         years=1.0, deltai=0.1, drange=6.0, predict=predict, include=include, 
         casestatus=d, sprob=msprob, offset=NULL, tstart=NULL, 
         axes=cbind(mom, risks[per,paste('model', i, sep='')]), 
         covariates=rep(1.0, length(per)), ccovariates=rep(1.0, length(per)), 
         settozero=settozero, package=package, cr=cr)$risk))

# Fit models without removing the age effect:

cir <- matrix(NA, nobs, 7)
for (i in 1:7) {
    cir[,i] <- as.numeric(colMeans(
monosurv(niter=15000, burnin=5000, adapt=5000, refresh=10, thin=5, 
         birthdeath=10, timevar=1, seed=1, rhoa=0.1, rhob=0.1, 
         years=1.0, deltai=0.1, drange=6.0, predict=predict, include=include, 
         casestatus=d, sprob=sprob, offset=NULL, tstart=NULL, 
         axes=cbind(mom, risks[per,paste('model', i, sep='')]), 
         covariates=rep(1.0, length(per)), ccovariates=rep(1.0, length(per)), 
         settozero=settozero, package=package, cr=cr)$risk))

# Calculate ROC curves:

for (i in 1:7) {
    probs <- as.numeric(risks[,paste('model', i, sep='')])
    cutoffs <- sort(unique(probs), decreasing=TRUE)
    truepos <- rep(NA, length(cutoffs))
    falsepos <- rep(NA, length(cutoffs))
    auc <- rep(0.0, length(cutoffs))
    for (j in 1:length(cutoffs)) {
        ind <- as.numeric(probs > cutoffs[j])    
        truepos[j] <- sum(ind * agecir[,i])/sum(agecir[,i])
        falsepos[j] <- sum(ind * (1.0 - agecir[,i]))/sum(1.0 - agecir[,i])
        if (j > 1)
            auc[j] = (truepos[j] + truepos[j-1]) * (falsepos[j] - falsepos[j-1])
    auc <- cumsum(auc) * 0.5
    roc <- cbind(cutoffs, truepos, falsepos, auc)
    save(roc, file=paste('ageroc', i, sep=''))

for (i in 1:7) {
    probs <- as.numeric(risks[,paste('model', i, sep='')])
    cutoffs <- sort(unique(probs), decreasing=TRUE)
    truepos <- rep(NA, length(cutoffs))
    falsepos <- rep(NA, length(cutoffs))
    auc <- rep(0.0, length(cutoffs))
    for (j in 1:length(cutoffs)) {
        ind <- as.numeric(probs > cutoffs[j])    
        truepos[j] <- sum(ind * cir[,i])/sum(cir[,i])
        falsepos[j] <- sum(ind * (1.0 - cir[,i]))/sum(1.0 - cir[,i])
        if (j > 1)
            auc[j] = (truepos[j] + truepos[j-1]) * (falsepos[j] - falsepos[j-1])
    auc <- cumsum(auc) * 0.5
    roc <- cbind(cutoffs, truepos, falsepos, auc)
    save(roc, file=paste('roc', i, sep=''))

# Plot ROC curves:

# postscript(file.path(getwd(), 'rocs.eps'), paper='special', width=10, height=5, 
#            horizontal=FALSE)
op <- par(cex=1, mar=c(3.75,3.75,0.25,0.25), mfrow=c(1,2), mgp=c(2.5,1,0))

plot(1, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), type='n', xlab='False positive fraction', 
     ylab='True positive fraction')
abline(0, 1, lty='dashed')
aucs <- NULL
for (i in 1:7) {
    load(file=paste('roc', i, sep=''))
    aucs <- c(aucs, max(roc[,4]))
    lines(roc[,3], roc[,2], type='s', lwd=2, col=cols[i])
    for (j in c(0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2)) {
        tp <- approx(roc[,1], roc[,2], xout=j)$y
        fp <- approx(roc[,1], roc[,3], xout=j)$y
        idx <- nobs - findInterval(j,sort(roc[,1]))
            points(fp, tp, col=cols[i], pch=20)
        if (i == 1)
            text(fp, tp-0.015, labels=j, pos=4, offset=0.25, col=cols[i], 
legend('bottomright', legend=paste('Model ', 1:7, '; AUC=',     
       format(round(aucs, 3), nsmall=3, scientific=FALSE), sep=''), 
        col=cols, lty=rep('solid',7), lwd=rep(2,7))

plot(1, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), type='n', xlab='False positive fraction', 
     ylab='True positive fraction')
abline(0, 1, lty='dashed')
aucs <- NULL
for (i in 1:7) {
    load(file=paste('ageroc', i, sep=''))
    aucs <- c(aucs, max(roc[,4]))
    lines(roc[,3], roc[,2], type='s', lwd=2, col=cols[i])
    for (j in c(0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2)) {
        tp <- approx(roc[,1], roc[,2], xout=j)$y
        fp <- approx(roc[,1], roc[,3], xout=j)$y
        idx <- nobs - findInterval(j,sort(roc[,1]))
        points(fp, tp, col=cols[i], pch=20)
        if (i == 1)
            text(fp, tp-0.015, labels=j, pos=4, offset=0.25, col=cols[i], 
legend('bottomright', legend=paste('Model ', 1:7, '; AUC=',     
       format(round(aucs, 3), nsmall=3, scientific=FALSE), sep=''), 
        col=cols, lty=rep('solid',7), lwd=rep(2,7))

# dev.off()

## End(Not run)

[Package monoreg version 2.1 Index]