ordmonoreg {monoreg} | R Documentation |
Bayesian monotonic regression
This function implements the non-parametric Bayesian monotonic regression procedure for ordinal outcomes described in Saarela, Rohrbeck & Arjas (2023).
ordmonoreg(niter=15000, burnin=5000, adapt=5000, refresh=10, thin=20,
birthdeath=1, logit=FALSE, gam=FALSE, seed=1, rhoa=0.1, rhob=0.1,
deltai=0.5, dlower=0, dupper=1, invprob=1.0, dc=0.0,
predict, include, outcome, axes, covariates=NULL,
cluster=NULL, ncluster=NULL, settozero)
niter |
Total number of MCMC iterations. |
burnin |
Number of iterations used for burn-in period. |
adapt |
Number of iterations used for adapting Metropolis-Hastings proposals. |
refresh |
Interval for producing summary output of the state of the MCMC sampler. |
thin |
Interval for saving the state of the MCMC sampler. |
birthdeath |
Number of birth-death proposals attempted at each iteration. |
logit |
Indicator for fitting the model on logit scale. |
gam |
Indicator for fitting non-monotonic generalized additive models for covariate effects. |
seed |
Seed for the random generator. |
rhoa |
Shape parameter of a Gamma hyperprior for the Poisson process rate parameters. |
rhob |
Scale parameter of a Gamma hyperprior for the Poisson process rate parameters. |
deltai |
Range for a uniform proposal for the function level parameters. |
dlower |
Lower bound for the allowed range for the monotonic function. |
dupper |
Upper bound for the allowed range for the monotonic function. |
invprob |
Probability with which to propose keeping the original direction of monotonicity. |
dc |
First parameter of the conditional beta prior to counter spiking behaviour near the origin - 1. |
predict |
Indicator vector for the observations for which absolute risks are calculated (not included in the likelihood expression). |
include |
Indicator vector for the observations to be included in the likelihood expression. |
outcome |
Vector of outcome variable values. |
axes |
A matrix where the columns specify the covariate axes in the non-parametrically specified regression functions. Each variable here must be scaled to zero-one interval. |
covariates |
A matrix of additional covariates to be included in the linear predictor of the events of interest (optional). |
cluster |
A vector of indicators for cluster membership, numbered from 0 to ncluster-1 (optional). |
ncluster |
Number of clusters (optional). |
settozero |
A zero-one matrix specifying the point process construction. Each row represents a point process,
while columns correspond to the columns of the argument |
A list with elements
steptotal |
A sample of total number of points in the marked point process construction. |
steps |
A sample of the number of points used per each additive component. |
rho |
A sample of the Poisson process rate parameters (one per each point process specified). |
loglik |
A sample of log-likelihood values. |
tau |
A sample of random intercept variances. |
alpha |
A sample of random intercepts. |
beta |
A sample of regression coefficients for the variables specified in the argument |
lambda |
A sample of non-parametric regression function levels for each observation specified in the argument |
pred |
A sample of predicted means for each observation specified in the argument |
sigmasq |
A sample of autoregressive prior variances. |
Olli Saarela <olli.saarela@utoronto.ca>, Christian Rohrbeck <cr777@bath.ac.uk>
Saarela O., Rohrbeck C., Arjas E. (2023). Bayesian non-parametric ordinal regression under a monotonicity constraint. Bayesian Analysis, 18:193–221.
expit <- function(x) {1/(1+exp(-x))}
logit <- function(p) {log(p)-log(1-p)}
# nobs <- 500
nobs <- 200
x <- sort(runif(nobs))
ngrid <- 100
xgrid <- seq(1/ngrid, (ngrid-1)/ngrid, by=1/ngrid)
ngrid <- length(xgrid)
ncat <- 4
beta <- 0.75
disc <- c(Inf, Inf, 0.75, 0.5)
gamma <- c(0,0,0.25,0.5)
surv <- matrix(NA, nobs, ncat)
cdf <- matrix(NA, nobs, ncat)
cols <- c('black','red','blue','green')
for (i in 1:ncat) {
surv[,i] <- expit(logit((ncat-(i-1))/ncat) + beta * x +
gamma[i] * (x > disc[i]) - gamma[i] * (x < disc[i]))
if (i==1)
plot(x, surv[,i], type='l', col=cols[i], ylim=c(0,1), lwd=2, ylab='S')
lines(x, surv[,i], col=cols[i], lwd=2)
for (i in 1:ncat) {
if (i<ncat)
cdf[,i] <- 1.0 - surv[,i+1]
cdf[,i] <- 1.0
if (0) {
if (i==1)
plot(x, cdf[,i], type='l', col=cols[i], ylim=c(0,1), lwd=2, ylab='F')
lines(x, cdf[,i], col=cols[i], lwd=2)
u <- runif(nobs)
y <- rep(NA, nobs)
for (i in 1:nobs)
y[i] <- findInterval(u[i], cdf[i,]) + 1
xwindow <- 0.1/2
mw <- matrix(NA, nobs, ncat)
grid <- sort(x)
for (i in 1:nobs) {
idx <- (x > grid[i] - xwindow) & (x < grid[i] + xwindow)
for (j in 1:ncat)
mw[i,j] <- sum(y[idx] >= j)/sum(idx)
for (j in 1:ncat) {
lines(grid, mw[,j], lty='dashed', col=cols[j])
# results <- ordmonoreg(niter=15000, burnin=5000, adapt=5000, refresh=10, thin=5,
results <- ordmonoreg(niter=3000, burnin=1000, adapt=1000, refresh=10, thin=4,
birthdeath=1, logit=FALSE, gam=FALSE, seed=1, rhoa=0.1, rhob=0.1,
deltai=0.2, dlower=0, dupper=1, invprob=1.0, dc=0.0,
outcome=c(y, rep(1,ngrid)),
axes=c(x, xgrid), covariates=NULL, cluster=NULL, ncluster=NULL,
s <- results$lambda
lines(xgrid, colMeans(subset(s, s[,1]==0)[,2:(ngrid+1)]))
lines(xgrid, colMeans(subset(s, s[,1]==1)[,2:(ngrid+1)]), col='red')
lines(xgrid, colMeans(subset(s, s[,1]==2)[,2:(ngrid+1)]), col='blue')
lines(xgrid, colMeans(subset(s, s[,1]==3)[,2:(ngrid+1)]), col='green')
legend('bottomright', legend=c(expression(P(Y>=1)), expression(P(Y>=2)),
expression(P(Y>=3)), expression(P(Y>=4))),
lwd=2, col=cols)