monosurv {monoreg} | R Documentation |
Bayesian monotonic regression for time-to-event outcomes
This function implements an extended version of the Bayesian monotonic regression
procedure described in Saarela & Arjas (2011), allowing for multiple additive monotonic
components, and time-to-event outcomes through case-base sampling. Logistic/multinomial
regression is fitted if no time variable is present. The extension and its applications,
including estimation of absolute risks, are described in Saarela & Arjas (2015).
The example below does logistic regression; for an example of modeling a time-to-event outcome,
please see the documentation for the dataset risks
monosurv(niter=15000, burnin=5000, adapt=5000, refresh=10, thin=5,
birthdeath=10, timevar=0, seed=1, rhoa=0.1, rhob=0.1,
years=NULL, deltai=0.1, drange=2.0, predict, include,
casestatus, sprob=NULL, offset=NULL, tstart=NULL, axes,
covariates, ccovariates=NULL, settozero, package, cr=NULL)
niter |
Total number of MCMC iterations. |
burnin |
Number of iterations used for burn-in period. |
adapt |
Number of iterations used for adapting Metropolis-Hastings proposals. |
refresh |
Interval for producing summary output of the state of the MCMC sampler. |
thin |
Interval for saving the state of the MCMC sampler. |
birthdeath |
Number of birth-death proposals attempted at each iteration. |
timevar |
Number identifying the column in argument |
seed |
Seed for the random generator. |
rhoa |
Shape parameter of a Gamma hyperprior for the Poisson process rate parameters. |
rhob |
Scale parameter of a Gamma hyperprior for the Poisson process rate parameters. |
years |
Time period over which absolute risks are calculated (on a time scale scaled to zero-one interval; optional). |
deltai |
Range for a uniform proposal for the function level parameters. |
drange |
Allowed range for the monotonic function components, on log-rate/log-odds scale. |
predict |
Indicator vector for the observations for which absolute risks are calculated (not included in the likelihood expression). |
include |
Indicator vector for the observations to be included in the likelihood expression. |
casestatus |
An integer vector indicating the case status (0=censoring, 1=event of interest, 2=competing event). |
sprob |
Vector of sampling probabilities/rates for each person/person-moment (optional). |
offset |
Vector of offset terms to be included in the linear predictor of the events of interest (optional). |
tstart |
Vector of entry times on a time scale scaled to zero-one interval (optional). |
axes |
A matrix where the columns specify the covariate axes in the non-parametrically specified regression functions. Each variable here must be scaled to zero-one interval. |
covariates |
A matrix of additional covariates to be included in the linear predictor of the events of interest. Must include at least a vector of ones to specify an intercept term. |
ccovariates |
A matrix of additional covariates to be included in the linear predictor of the competing events (optional). |
settozero |
A zero-one matrix specifying the point process construction. Each row represents a point process,
while columns correspond to the columns of the argument |
package |
An integer vector specifying the additive component into which each point process (row) specified in argument |
cr |
A zero-one vector indicating the additive components to be placed in the linear predictor of the competing causes (optional). |
A list with elements
steptotal |
A sample of total number of points in the marked point process construction. |
steps |
A sample of the number of points used per each additive component. |
rho |
A sample of the Poisson process rate parameters (one per each point process specified). |
loglik |
A sample of log-likelihood values. |
beta |
A sample of regression coefficients for the variables specified in the argument |
betac |
A sample of regression coefficients for the variables specified in the argument |
phi |
A sample of non-parametric regression function levels for each observation specified in the argument |
risk |
A sample of absolute risks of the event of interest for each observation specified in the argument |
crisk |
A sample of absolute risks of the competing event for each observation specified in the argument |
Olli Saarela <>
Saarela O., Arjas E. (2011). A method for Bayesian monotonic multiple regression. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 38:499–513.
Saarela O., Arjas E. (2015). Non-parametric Bayesian hazard regression for chronic disease risk assessment. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 42:609–626.
## Not run:
# nobs <- 1000
nobs <- 50
x1 <- runif(nobs)
x2 <- runif(nobs)
# 6 different monotonic regression surfaces:
# mu <- sqrt(x1)
mu <- 0.5 * x1 + 0.5 * x2
# mu <- pmin(x1, x2)
# mu <- 0.25 * x1 + 0.25 * x2 + 0.5 * (x1 + x2 > 1.0)
# mu <- 0.25 * x1 + 0.25 * x2 + 0.5 * (pmax(x1, x2) > 0.5)
# mu <- ifelse((x1 - 1.0)^2 + (x2 - 1.0)^2 < 1.0, sqrt(1.0 - (x1 - 1.0)^2 - (x2 - 1.0)^2), 0.0)
y <- rbinom(nobs, 1, mu)
# results <- monosurv(niter=15000, burnin=5000, adapt=5000, refresh=10,
results <- monosurv(niter=5000, burnin=2500, adapt=2500, refresh=10,
thin=5, birthdeath=10, seed=1,
rhoa=0.1, rhob=0.1, deltai=0.5, drange=10.0,
predict=rep(1.0, nobs), include=rep(1.0, nobs),
casestatus=y, axes=cbind(x1,x2), covariates=rep(1.0, nobs),
settozero=getcmat(2), package=rep(1,3))
# pdf(file.path(getwd(), 'pred3d.pdf'), width=6.0, height=6.0, paper='special')
op <- par(mar=c(2,2,0,0), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mgp=c(2.5,1,0), cex=0.75)
pred <- colMeans(results$risk)
idx <- order(pred, decreasing=TRUE)
tr <- persp(z=matrix(c(NA,NA,NA,NA), 2, 2), zlim=c(0,1),
xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
ticktype='detailed', theta=-45, phi=25, ltheta=25,
xlab='X1', ylab='X2', zlab='mu')
for (i in 1:nobs) {
lines(c(trans3d(x1[idx[i]], x2[idx[i]], 0.0, tr)$x,
trans3d(x1[idx[i]], x2[idx[i]], pred[idx[i]], tr)$x),
c(trans3d(x1[idx[i]], x2[idx[i]], 0.0, tr)$y,
trans3d(x1[idx[i]], x2[idx[i]], pred[idx[i]], tr)$y),
points(trans3d(x1[idx], x2[idx], pred[idx], tr), pch=21, bg='white')
## End(Not run)