monographaR-package |
Tools for taxonomic monographs. |
buildMonograph |
Build and export a monograph skeleton (draft) |
codeGap |
Code gap |
codeMatrix |
Code character matrix |
collectorList |
Generates a collector list |
dataKey |
Prepares a data.frame suitable for buildKey |
dichoKey |
Dichotomous key | |
Dichotomous key (shiny app) |
examinedSpecimens |
Generates an examined specimens list |
interactiveKey |
Interactive key (shiny app) |
interactiveKeyLabels |
Text labels for interactiveKey |
keyCode |
keyCode |
mapBatch |
Generates map in batch mode |
mapDiversity |
Diversity heatmap |
mapPhenology |
Phenology heatmap |
mapTable |
Generates a presence/absence matrix of species on grids or countries |
monographaR |
Tools for taxonomic monographs. |
monographaR_examples |
Input data examples |
phenoHist |
Circular histograms of phenology |
tableToDescription |
Generates species descriptions |