Taxonomic Monographs Tools

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Documentation for package ‘monographaR’ version 1.3.1

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monographaR-package Tools for taxonomic monographs.
buildMonograph Build and export a monograph skeleton (draft)
codeGap Code gap
codeMatrix Code character matrix
collectorList Generates a collector list
dataKey Prepares a data.frame suitable for buildKey
dichoKey Dichotomous key Dichotomous key (shiny app)
examinedSpecimens Generates an examined specimens list
interactiveKey Interactive key (shiny app)
interactiveKeyLabels Text labels for interactiveKey
keyCode keyCode
mapBatch Generates map in batch mode
mapDiversity Diversity heatmap
mapPhenology Phenology heatmap
mapTable Generates a presence/absence matrix of species on grids or countries
monographaR Tools for taxonomic monographs.
monographaR_examples Input data examples
phenoHist Circular histograms of phenology
tableToDescription Generates species descriptions