dbSchema {monitoR}R Documentation

Upload a MySQL Database Schema to Create Tables in an Acoustics Database


Use this function to select a schema and upload it to an existing MySQL database. All tables in the schema will be created in the database.


dbSchema(schema, name.on.host, tables = FALSE, 
         schema.name = "NOH", db.name = "acoustics", uid, pwd, 



File path to schema (.txt or .sql).


Database name on MySQL host.


TRUE will return the result of sqlTables


Current name of schema to be replaced by name.on.host


Connection name in ODBC data source.


Database User ID, if not in ODBC data source.


Database Password, if not in ODBC data source.


Additional arguments to odbcConnect.


Creating a MySQL database typically requires three steps:
1. Design/test/export schema
2. Create a MySQL instance on the host (locally or on a server)
3. Import schema to create tables, keys, and relationships

The default acoustics database schema will allow the user to skip step 1; this function will take care of step 3. The user must ensure that a database instance exists and is present in the ODBC data source list before attempting to use this function. This function was tested using a schema automatically generated using the default "forward engineer" export function in MySQL Workbench with DROP statements. The default acoustics schema can be downloaded at http://www.uvm.edu/rsenr/vtcfwru/R/?Page=monitoR/monitoR.htm.


If tables, a list:


Duration of upload and processing.


Description tables in the acoustics database.

Otherwise a report of the duration of upload and processing time to indicate completion.


Jon Katz


## Not run: 
    schema = "acoustics.sql", 
    name.on.host = "acoustics", 
    tables = TRUE, 
    schema.name = 'myschema', 
    db.name = "acoustics", 
    uid = "Admin", 
    pwd = "BadPassword!" )
## $upload.time
## [1] "Upload time 10.977 secs"
## $tables
## 1     JKATZ3                   tblAnnotations      TABLE
## 2     JKATZ3                       tblArchive      TABLE
## 3     JKATZ3                          tblCard      TABLE
## 4     JKATZ3                  tblCardRecorder      TABLE
## 5     JKATZ3                     tblCovariate      TABLE
## 6     JKATZ3             tblEnvironmentalData      TABLE
## 7     JKATZ3                      tblLocation      TABLE
## 8     JKATZ3                  tblOrganization      TABLE
## 9     JKATZ3                        tblPerson      TABLE
## 10    JKATZ3                 tblPersonContact      TABLE
## 11    JKATZ3                       tblProject      TABLE
## 12    JKATZ3                      tblRecorder      TABLE
## 13    JKATZ3                        tblResult      TABLE
## 14    JKATZ3                 tblResultSummary      TABLE
## 15    JKATZ3                       tblSpecies      TABLE
## 16    JKATZ3                 tblSpeciesPriors      TABLE
## 17    JKATZ3                        tblSurvey      TABLE
## 18    JKATZ3                      tblTemplate      TABLE
## 19    JKATZ3                 tblTemplatePrior      TABLE
##                                                          REMARKS
## 1                          For annotated song events in surveys.
## 2              For archiving sound clips extracted from surveys.
## 3              This table stores information about memory cards.
## 4                 Track survey, recorder, and memory card links.
## 5  Describe covariates and types of enviromental data collected.
## 6                   Non-acoustic data: environmental covariates.
## 7   Information about about locations for surveys and templates.
## 8             Store the organization name and contact info here.
## 9                     Names of people in the monitoring program.
## 10            Contact info, including Cell/Work Phone and email.
## 11   Store the names of multiple projects per organization here.
## 12          This table stores information about recording units.
## 13                    Table to store the results of findPeaks().
## 14                         Store probability of survey presence.
## 15          Store BBL codes or other 4, 6, or 8 character codes.
## 16                    Store site & species specific priors here.
## 17         This table stores attributes of the survey recording.
## 18                        Store templates and template metadata.
## 19               Store beta parameter estimates for error rates.

## End(Not run)

[Package monitoR version 1.0.7 Index]