Miscellaneous-methods {mondate}R Documentation

Miscellaneous Methods for mondate's


Miscellaneous mondate methods.


 ## S3 method for class 'mondate'
mean(x, trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, ...)
 ## S3 method for class 'mondate'
unique(x, ...)
 ## S3 method for class 'mondate'
quarters(x, abbreviate)



a mondate


see base::mean


see base::mean


logical. Should the names be abbreviated?


arguments passed to and from other methods


mean(x = "mondate", ...)

Calculate the mean date of mondates. Arguments trim and na.rm have the usual meaning (see base::mean).

pmean(... = "mondate")

Calculate the "parallel" mean date of mondates. Arguments in ... must all be mondates. Result will be a mondate with properties equal to those of the first mondate in ....

unique(x = "mondate", ...)

Returns a mondate but with duplicate elements/rows removed. For an explanation of the arguments in ..., see base::unique.

quarters(x = "mondate", abbreviate)

Returns a character vector of "Q1" to "Q4". See quarters.


mean(M)                           # the middle value, Dec. 31, 2002
(M<-c(M,mondate.mdy(12,31,2004))) # tack on another yearend
mean(M)                           # mid-year 2003
mean(M,12)                        # 12 is coerced to Dec. 31, 2000, so the 
                                  # mean is again Dec. 31, 2002

x <- mondate.ymd(2001:2005,12)    # five year ends
y <- x-12                         # one year earlier
pmean(x,y)                        # 2001-06-30 ... 2005-06-30

unique(M,M)                       # just M
(M<-matrix(M,nrow=2))             # now a matrix
rbind(M,M)                        # 2 M's, stacked
unique(rbind(M,M))                # M again, still a matrix

m <- mondate.ymd(2013, 1:12)      # end of the months of 2013

[Package mondate version 1.0 Index]