residuals-methods {momentfit}R Documentation

~~ Methods for Function residuals in Package stats ~~


It computes the residual for a given coefficient vector, when the model is a linear of nonlinear regression with instruments. The method can be called on a momentModel class for a given coefficient theta or on a gmmfit object.


signature(object = "rsysModel")
signature(object = "linearModel")
signature(object = "nonlinearModel")
signature(object = "gmmfit")
signature(object = "gelfit")
signature(object = "sgmmfit")
signature(object = "sysModel")


x <- rchisq(200,5)
z1 <- rnorm(200)
z2 <- .2*x+rnorm(200)
y <- x+rnorm(200)
dat <- data.frame(y=y,z1=z1,x=x,z2=z2)
theta <- c(beta0=1,beta1=2)
model1 <- momentModel(y~x, ~z1+z2, data=dat)

## residuals for a given theta
e <- residuals(model1, theta)

## residuals of the fit
res <- gmmFit(model1)
e <- residuals(res)

[Package momentfit version 0.5 Index]