Fast and Efficient Access to MODIS Earth Observation Data

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Documentation for package ‘modisfast’ version 0.9.1

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entomological_data Example dataset containing abundances of mosquitoes vectors of malaria. Used in article 'use_case'.
mf_download_data Download several datasets given their URLs and destination path
mf_get_opt_param Precompute the parameter 'opt_param' of the function mf_get_url
mf_get_url Build the URL(s) of the data to download
mf_import_data Import datasets downloaded using 'modisfast' as a 'terra::SpatRaster' object
mf_list_collections Get the collections available for download with the 'modisfast' package
mf_list_variables Get information for the variables (bands) available for a given collection
mf_login Login to EOSDIS EarthData account