sepe {modi} | R Documentation |
Sample Environment Protection Expenditure Survey.
The sepe data set is a sample of the pilot survey in 1993 of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office on environment protection expenditures of Swiss private economy in the previous accounting year. The units are enterprises, the monetary variables are in thousand Swiss Francs (CHF). From the original sample a random subsample was chosen of which certain enterprises were excluded for confidentiality reasons. In addition, noise has been added to certain variables, and certain categories have been collapsed. The data set has missing values. The data set has first been prepared for the EU FP5 project EUREDIT and later been data protected for educational purposes.
A data frame with 675 rows and 23 variables:
- idnr
identifier (anonymous)
- exp
categorical variable where 1 = 'non-zero total expenditure' and 2 = 'zero total expenditure, and 3 = 'no answer'
- totinvwp
total investment for water protection
- totinvwm
total investment for waste management
- totinvap
total investment for air protection
- totinvnp
total investment for noise protection
- totinvot
total investment for other environmental protection
- totinvto
overall total investment in all environmental protection areas
- totexpwp
total current expenditure in environmental protection area water protection
- totexpwm
total current expenditure in environmental protection area waste management
- totexpap
total current expenditure in environmental protection area air protection
- totexpnp
total current expenditure in environmental protection area noise protection
- totexpot
total current expenditure in other environmental protection
- totexpto
overall total current expenditure in all environmental protection
- subtot
total subsidies for environmental protection received
- rectot
total receipts from environmental protection
- employ
number of employees
- sizeclass
size class (according to number of employees)
- stratum
stratum number of sample design
- activity
code of economic activity (aggregated)
- popsize
number of enterprises in the population-stratum
- popempl
number of employees in population activity group
- weight
sampling weight (for extrapolation to the population)
The sample design is stratified random sampling with different sampling rates. Use package survey or sampling to obtain correct point and variance estimates. In addition a ratio estimator may be built using the variable popemple which gives the total employment per activity.
There are two balance rules: the subtotals of the investment variables should sum to totinvto and the expenditure subtotals should sum to totexpto.
The missing values stem from the survey itself. In the actual survey the missing values were declared as 'guessed' rather than copied from records.
The sampling weight weight is adjusted for non-response in the stratum,
i.e. weight=popsize/sampsize
Swiss Federal Statistical Office (1996), Umweltausgaben und -investitionen in der Schweiz 1992/1993, Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie.
Charlton, J. (ed.), Towards Effective Statistical Editing and Imputation Strategies - Findings of the Euredit project, unpublished manuscript available from Eurostat and