mass_traffic_2020 {moderndive} | R Documentation |
2020 road traffic volume and crash level date for 13 Massachusetts counties
2020 road traffic volume and crash level date for 13 Massachusetts counties
A data frame of 874 rows representing traffic data at the 874 sites
- site_id
Site id
- county
County in which the site is located
- community
Community in which the site is located
- rural_urban
Rural (R) or Urban (U)
- dir
Direction for traffic movement. Either 1-WAY, 2-WAY, EB (eastbound), RAMP or WB (westbound)
- functional_class
Classification of road. Either Arterial, Collector, Freeway & Expressway, Interstate or Local Road
- avg_speed
Average traffic speed
- total_volume
Number of vehicles recorded at each site in 2020
- crashes
Number of vehicle crashes at each site
- nonfatal_injuries
Number of non-fatal injuries for all recorded vehicle crashes
- fatal_injuries
Number of fatal injuries for all recorded vehicle crashes
[Package moderndive version 0.6.1 Index]