Stratified and Personalised Models Based on Model-Based Trees and Forests

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Documentation for package ‘model4you’ version 0.9-7

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.add_modelinfo Add model information to a personalised-model-ctree
.modelfit Fit function when model object is given
.prepare_args Prepare input for ctree/cforest from input of pmtree/pmforest
binomial_glm_plot Plot for a given logistic regression model (glm with binomial family) with one binary covariate.
coef.pmtree Methods for pmtree
coeftable.survreg Table of coefficients for survreg model
coxph_plot Survival plot for a given coxph model with one binary covariate.
gettree.pmforest Compute model-based forest from model.
lm_plot Density plot for a given lm model with one binary covariate.
logLik.pmodel_identity Objective function of personalised models
logLik.pmtree Extract log-Likelihood
node_pmterminal Panel-Generator for Visualization of pmtrees
objfun Objective function
objfun.glm Objective function
objfun.lm Objective function
objfun.pmodel_identity Objective function of personalised models
objfun.pmtree Objective function of a given pmtree
objfun.survreg Objective function
one_factor Check if model has only one factor covariate.
plot.heterogeneity_test Test if personalised models improve upon base model.
pmforest Compute model-based forest from model.
pmodel Personalised model
pmtest Test if personalised models improve upon base model.
pmtree Compute model-based tree from model.
predict.pmtree pmtree predictions
print.pmtree Methods for pmtree
print.summary.pmtree Methods for pmtree
rss Residual sum of squares
rss.default Residual sum of squares
summary.pmtree Methods for pmtree
survreg_plot Survival plot for a given survreg model with one binary covariate.
varimp.pmforest Variable Importance for pmforest