geneticAlgorithm {modMax}R Documentation

Genetic algorithm


geneticAlgorithm is a function executing the genetic algorithm and its modifications for identifying the community structure of a network via modularity maximization


geneticAlgorithm(adjacency, numRandom = 0, 
                  initial = c("general", "cluster", "own"), p, g, 
                  mutRat = 0.5, crossOver = 0.2, beta = 0.1, alpha = 0.4, 
                  n_l = 4, local = FALSE)



A nonnegative symmetric adjacency matrix of the network whose community structur will be analyzed


The number of random networks with which the modularity of the resulting community structure should be compared (default: no comparison). see details below for further explanation of the used null model


Specify the community structure to use as initial partition in the algorithm. See details below.


Population size


Number of generations


Mutation rate. Default is 0.5


Crossing over rate. Default is 0.2


The fraction of chromosomes to save. The top β\betapp chromosomes are saved in each generation to ensure that the fitness scores of the top β\betapp chromosomes of the child generation are at least as good as the parent population. Default is 0.1


The fraction of repetitions for the identification of an initial partition according to cluster. Default is 0.4. Ignored if initial is not cluster.


The number of copies of a chromosome made by the local search operator. Default is 4. Ignored if local is FALSE


If TRUE, local search operator is applied at the end of each iteration in the genetic algorithm.


The used random networks have the same number of vertices and the same degree distribution as the original network.

The initial partition used in the genetic algorithm can either be the generic one where all vertices are put in their own community (initial=general) or the initial partition can be identified by randomly picking a vertex α\alphann times and assigning its cluster to all its neighbours (initial=cluster) or the initial partition can be given by the user (initial=own). In this case, the user needs to add a last column to the adjacency matrix indicating the initial partition. Hence, the adjacency matrix has to have one column more than the network has vertices.


The result of the genetic algorithm is a list with the following components

number of communities

The number of communities detected by the algorithm


The modularity of the detected community structure


The mean of the modularity values for random networks, only computed if numRandom>0

standard deviation

The standard deviation of the modularity values for random networks, only computed if numRandom>0

community structure

The community structure of the examined network given by a vector assigning each vertex its community number

random modularity values

The list of the modularity values for random networks, only computed if


Maria Schelling, Cang Hui


Tasgin, M., Herdagdelen, A., and Bingol, H. Community detection in complex networks using genetic algorithms. arXiv preprint arXiv:0711.0491, 2007.

Li, S., Chen, Y., Du, H., and Feldman, M. W. A genetic algorithm with local search strategy for improved detection of community structure. Complexity, 15(4):53-60, 2010.


#unweighted network
randomgraph <-, 0.3, type="gnp",directed = FALSE, loops = FALSE)

#to ensure that the graph is connected
vertices <- which(clusters(randomgraph)$membership==1)  
graph <- induced.subgraph(randomgraph,vertices)

adj <- get.adjacency(graph)
result <- geneticAlgorithm(adj, p=4, g=6)

[Package modMax version 1.1 Index]