readingSpeed {mnreadR} | R Documentation |
Reading speed calculation corrected for the number of errors
This function calculates reading speed (in words per minute) for each sentence tested.
This calculation takes into account the number of misread words and gives a more precise reading speed measurement than readingSpeed_nonCorrected
readingSpeed(data, reading_time, errors)
data |
The name of your dataframe |
reading_time |
The variable that contains the reading time for each sentence |
errors |
The variable that contains the number of errors for each sentence |
The function returns the original dataframe with an added variable called "reading_speed" that contains reading speed (in words/min) for each sentence tested.
For general purposes, this method of reading speed calculation should be used preferentially over the less precise readingSpeed_nonCorrected
See Also
for reading speed non corrected for errors
# inspect the strucutre of the dataframe
head(data_low_vision, 10)
# run the reading speed calculation
data_low_vision_new <- readingSpeed(data_low_vision, rt, err)
# inspect the structure of the newly created dataframe
head(data_low_vision_new, 10)