swapper {mmibain}R Documentation

Card Matrix Swapping Function


This function performs swapping operations within a card matrix to rearrange cards. It can swap entire columns, swap cards within a single column, or swap cards within a single row. It is designed to be used on a replication study card grid before generating replication study data.


swapper(cards_matrix, swap_cols = NULL, swap_in_col = NULL, swap_in_row = NULL)



A matrix representing the card grid on which to perform swaps.


A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the columns to swap.


A single integer indicating a column where the two cards will be swapped.


A numeric vector of length 3 indicating the row number followed by the two column numbers within that row to swap.


The swapper function can be used to rearrange cards in a card matrix. It allows for three types of swaps:

The function keeps track of the swapping history to prevent multiple swaps within the same column or row, as these are restricted operations. After a swap operation, the function updates the class of the cards_matrix to include "swapper" to track its history.


A matrix of the same dimensions as cards_matrix with the specified swaps performed.


swapper(cards_matrix = deal_cards_to_rc_grid(n = 3), swap_cols = c(1,2))

[Package mmibain version 0.2.0 Index]