swapper {mmibain} | R Documentation |
Card Matrix Swapping Function
This function performs swapping operations within a card matrix to rearrange cards. It can swap entire columns, swap cards within a single column, or swap cards within a single row. It is designed to be used on a replication study card grid before generating replication study data.
swapper(cards_matrix, swap_cols = NULL, swap_in_col = NULL, swap_in_row = NULL)
cards_matrix |
A matrix representing the card grid on which to perform swaps. |
swap_cols |
A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the columns to swap. |
swap_in_col |
A single integer indicating a column where the two cards will be swapped. |
swap_in_row |
A numeric vector of length 3 indicating the row number followed by the two column numbers within that row to swap. |
The swapper
function can be used to rearrange cards in a card matrix. It allows
for three types of swaps:
Swapping two columns: Specify two columns to swap their entire content.
Swapping within a column: Reverse the order of two cards in the same column.
Swapping within a row: Swap two cards within the same row.
The function keeps track of the swapping history to prevent multiple swaps within
the same column or row, as these are restricted operations. After a swap operation,
the function updates the class of the cards_matrix
to include "swapper" to track
its history.
A matrix of the same dimensions as cards_matrix
with the specified
swaps performed.
swapper(cards_matrix = deal_cards_to_rc_grid(n = 3), swap_cols = c(1,2))