Multivariate Meta-Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘mmeta’ version 3.0.0

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colorectal Studies on the Association of N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) Acetylation Status and Colorectal Cancer
diabetes Studies on the Association of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)
MultipleTables.create Create an object of class 'MultipleTables'.
MultipleTables.modelFit Exact posterior inference based on multiple 2x2 tables.
MultipleTables.plot Plot Method for 'Multipletables' objects
MultipleTables.summary Summarize the object of class 'MultipleTables'.
SingleTable.create Create an object of class 'singletable'.
SingleTable.modelFit Exact posterior inference based on a single 2x2 table
SingleTable.plot Plot Method for 'singletable' objects.
SingleTable.summary Summarize the object of class 'singletable'.
withdrawal Studies on the association of withdrawal from study due to adverse events and tricyclic treatment