mlts_model {mlts}R Documentation

Build a multilevel latent time series model


Build a multilevel latent time series model


  class = c("VAR"),
  p = NULL,
  max_lag = c(1, 2, 3),
  btw_factor = TRUE,
  btw_model = NULL,
  fix_dynamics = FALSE,
  fix_inno_vars = FALSE,
  fix_inno_covs = TRUE,
  inno_covs_zero = FALSE,
  inno_covs_dir = NULL,
  fixef_zero = NULL,
  ranef_zero = NULL,
  ranef_pred = NULL,
  out_pred = NULL,
  out_pred_add_btw = NULL



Character. Indicating the model type to be specified. For now restricted to VAR, the default. Future package releases might include additional model types.


Integer. The number of time-varying constructs.


Integer. For multiple-indicator models, specify a vector of length q with the number of manifest indicators per construct. If all constructs are measured with the same number of indicators, a single value is sufficient.


Integer. The maximum lag of the autoregressive effect to be included in the model. The maximum is 3. Defaults to 1.


Logical. If TRUE (the default), a common between-level factor is modeled across all indicator variables per construct q. If FALSE, instead of a between-level factor, indicator mean levels will be included as individual (random) effects drawn from a joint multivariate normal distribution.


A list to indicate for which manifest indicator variables a common between-level factor should be modeled (see Details for detailed instructions). At this point restricted to one factor per latent construct.


Logical. Fix all random effect variances of autoregressive and cross-lagged effects to zero (constraining parameters to be equal across clusters).


Logical. Fix all random effect variances of innovation variances to zero (constraining parameters to be equal across clusters).


Logical. Fix all random effect variances of innovation covariances to zero (constraining parameters to be equal across clusters).


Logical. Set to TRUE to treat all innovations as independent.


For bivariate VAR models with person-specific innovation covariances, a latent variable approach is applied (for a detailed description, see Hamaker et al., 2018). by specifying an additional factor that loads onto the contemporaneous innovations of both constructs, capturing the shared variance of innovations, that is not predicted by the previous time points. The loading parameters of this latent factor, however, have to be restricted in accordance with researchers assumptions about the sign of the association between innovations across construct. Hence, if innovations at time $t$ are assumed to be positively correlated across clusters, set the argument to pos, or neg respectively.


Character. A character vector to index which fixed effects (referring to the parameter labels in model$Param) should be constrained to zero (Note: this also results in removing the random effect variance of the respective parameter).


Character. A character vector to index which random effect variances (referring to the parameter labels in model$Param) should be constrained to zero.


A character vector or a named list. Include between-level covariate(s) as predictor(s) of all random effects in model by entering a vector of unique variable names. Alternatively, to include between-level covariates or differing sets of between-level covariates as predictors of specific random effects, a named list (using the labels in model$Param) can be entered (see examples). Note that if a named list is provided, all names that do not match random parameters in model will be ignored. Note that variables entered in ranef_pred will be grand-mean centered by default when fitting the model with mlts_fit.


A character vector or a named list. Include between-level outcome(s) to be regressed on all random effects in model by entering a vector of unique variable names. Alternatively, to include multiple between-level outcomes regressed differing sets of specific random effects, a named list (using the labels in model$Param) can be entered (see examples). Note that if a named list is provided, all character strings in the vector of each list (with independent variables) element that do not match random effect parameter names in model$Param will be treated as additional between-level predictors.


A character vector. If out_pred is a character (vector), all inputs will be treated as between-level covariates to be used as additional predictors of all outcomes specified in out_pred.


An object of class data.frame with the following columns:


Indicates if the parameter in the respective row is part of the structural, or the measurement model (if multiple indicators per construct are provided)


Parameter on the between- or within-level.


Describes the parameter type.


Parameter names to be referred to in arguments of mlts_model.


Parameter labels (additional option to address specific parameters).


Indicates which within-level parameters are modeled as random (1) or a constant across clusters (0).


Optional. Included if multiple-indicators per construct (p > 1) are provided. Constraints on measurement model parameters can be changed by overwriting the respective value in model. Possible inputs are "free", "= 0" (for SDs of measurement error variances), and "= 1" (for loading parameters).


Contains the parameters' prior distribution used in mlts_fit (prior classes can not be changed at this point).


Location values of the parameters' prior distribution used in mlts_fit (can be changed to any real value by overwriting the respective value in model).


Scale values of the parameters' prior distribution used in mlts_fit (can be changed to any real value by overwriting the respective value in model).


Hamaker, E. L., Asparouhov, T., Brose, A., Schmiedek, F., & Muthén, B. (2018). At the frontiers of modeling intensive longitudinal data: Dynamic structural equation models for the affective measurements from the COGITO study. Multivariate behavioral research, 53(6), 820-841. doi:10.1080/00273171.2018.1446819


 # To illustrate the general model building procedure, starting with a simple
 # two-level AR(1) model with person-specific individual means, AR effects,
 # and innovation variances (the default option when using mlts_model() and q = 1).
 model <- mlts_model(q = 1)

 # All model parameters (with their labels stored in model$Param) can be inspected by calling:

 # Possible model extensions/restrictions:
 # 1. Introducing additional parameter constraints, such as fixing specific
 #    parameters to a constant value by setting the respective random effect
 #    variances to zero, such as e.g. (log) innovation variances
 model <- mlts_model(q = 1, ranef_zero = "ln.sigma2_1")
 #    Note that setting the argument `fix_inno_vars` to `TRUE` provides
 #    a shortcut to fixing the innovation variances of all constructs
 #    (if q >= 1) to a constant.

 # 2. Including a multiple indicator model, where the construct is measured by
 #    multiple indicators (here, p = 3 indicators)
 model <- mlts_model(
          q = 1, # the number of time-varying constructs
          p = 3, # the number of manifest indicators
          # assuming a common between-level factor (the default)
          btw_factor = TRUE

 # 3. Incorporating between-level variables. For example, inclusion of
 #    an additional between-level variable ("cov1") as predictor of all
 #    (ranef_pred = "cov1") or a specific set of random effects
 #    (ranef_pred = list("phi(1)_11") = "cov1"), an external outcome (e.g., "out1")
 #    to be predicted by all (out_pred = "out1") or specific random effects
 #    (out_pred = list("out1" = c("etaB_1", "phi(1)_11")), using the latent
 #    between-level factor trait scores (etaB_1) and individual first-order
 #    autoregressive effects (phi(1)_11) as joint predictors of outcome "out1".
 model <- mlts_model(
            q = 1,
            p = 3,
            fix_inno_vars = TRUE,
            ranef_pred = "cov1",
            out_pred = list("out1" = c("etaB_1", "phi(1)_11"))
 #    Note that the names of the random effect parameters must match the
 #    parameter labels provided in model$Param, the result of the
 #    mlts_model()-functions.

[Package mlts version 1.0.0 Index]