mlts_fit {mlts}R Documentation

Fit Bayesian Multilevel Manifest or Latent Time-Series Models


Fit Bayesian Multilevel Manifest or Latent Time-Series Models


  data = NULL,
  covariates = NULL,
  outcomes = NULL,
  outcome_pred_btw = NULL,
  center_covs = TRUE,
  time = NULL,
  tinterval = NULL,
  beep = NULL,
  days = NULL,
  na.rm = FALSE,
  iter = 500,
  chains = 2,
  cores = 2,
  monitor_person_pars = FALSE,
  get_SD_latent = FALSE,
  fit_model = TRUE,
  print_message = TRUE,
  print_warning = TRUE,



data.frame. Output of mlts_model and related functions.


An object of class data.frame (or one that can be coerced to that class) containing data of all variables used in the model. Alternatively, a list object with simulated data created by mlts_sim can be entered directly and allows for comparison of estimates and true population paramter values used in the data generation.


Character. The variable in data that identifies the observational cluster unit. Not necessary when data is a list object of simulated data generated with mlts_sim.


Character. The variable(s) in data that contain the time-series construct(s) or their indicator variable(s). If multiple constructs are provided in the model, multiple entries are necessary. Note that the order of variable names provided in ts has to match the specification made in the model. E.g., if multiple constructs (e.g., mlts_model(q = 2)) are provided the order of variables names provided in ts determines which construct is referred to as mu_1, phi(1)_11, etc..


Named character vector. An optional named vector of characters to refer to predictors of random effects as specified in the model. Note that specifying covariates is only necessary if the respective variable name(s) in data differ from the variables names specified in model.


Named character vector. Similar to covariates, an optional named vector of characters to refer to outcome predicted by random effects as specified in the model. Note that specifying outcomes is only necessary if the respective variable name(s) in data differ from the outcome variable name(s) specified in model.


Named character vector. Similar to covariates, an optional named vector of characters to refer to additional between-level variables entered as outcome predictor(s) as specified in the model. Note that specifying outcome_pred_btw is only necessary if the respective variable name(s) in data differ from the variable name(s) specified in model.


Logical. Between-level covariates used as predictors of random effects will be grand-mean centered before model fitting by default. Set center_covs to FALSE when including categorical predictors into the set of covariates. Note that in this case, additional continuous covariates should be grand-mean centered prior to using mlts_fit.


Character. The variable in data that contains the (continuous) time of observation.


The step interval for approximating equally spaced observations in time by insertion of missing values, to be specified with respect to the time stamp variable provided in time. Procedure for inserting missing values resembles the procedure for time shift transformation as described in Asparouhov, Hamaker, & Muthén (2018).


Character. The variable in data that contains the running beep number starting with 1 for each person.


Optional. If a running beep identifier is provided via the beep argument and observations are nested within days (or similar grouping unit), the variable in data that contains the day identifier can be added to correct for overnight lags (see Details).


Optional. The number of NA rows to add after the last observation of each day (if days is provided).


logical. Per default, missing values remain in the data and will be imputed during model estimation. Set to TRUE to remove all rows with missing values in variables given in ts.


A positive integer specifying the number of iterations for each chain (including 50% used as warmup). The default is 500.


A positive integer specifying the number of Markov chains. The default is 2.


The number of cores to use when executing the Markov chains in parallel. The default is 2 (see stan).


Logical. Should person parameters (i.e., values of the latent variables) be stored? Default is FALSE.


Logical. Set to TRUE to obtain standardized estimates in multiple-indicator models.


Logical. Set to FALSE to avoid fitting the model which may be helpful to inspect prepared data used for model estimation (default = TRUE).


Logical. Print messages based on defined inputs (default = TRUE).


Logical. Print warnings based on defined inputs (default = TRUE).


Additional arguments passed to sampling.


An object of class mltsfit. The object is a list containing the following components:


the model object passed to mlts_fit


the preprocessed data used for fitting the model


a data.frame that provides the names of parameters used in the stan model. These parameter names are necessary when running standard post-processing functions using mlts_fit$stanfit

a data.frame that contains summary statistics for all parameter in model

if monitor_person_pars = TRUE, a data.frame containing summary statistics for cluster-specific parameters is provided


a list with the data as passed to sampling


an object of class stanfit with the raw output created by sampling


an array of the MCMC chain results for all parameters in model created by rstan::extract with dimnames adapted to match the parameter names provided in model


Asparouhov, T., Hamaker, E. L., & Muthén, B. (2018). Dynamic Structural Equation Models. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 25(3), 359–388. doi:10.1080/10705511.2017.1406803


# build simple vector-autoregressive mlts model for two time-series variables
var_model <- mlts_model(q = 2)

# fit model with (artificial) dataset ts_data
fit <- mlts_fit(
  model = var_model,
  data = ts_data,
  ts = c("Y1", "Y2"), # time-series variables
  id = "ID", # cluster identifier variable
  time = "time", # time variable
  tinterval = 1 # interval for approximation of equidistant measurements,

# inspect model summary

[Package mlts version 1.0.0 Index]