alien.test |
Alien test dataset |
alien.train |
Alien training dataset |
auc_roc |
Area Under the ROC Curve |
bin_data |
Map a vector of numeric values into bins |
date_factor |
Date Factor |
empirical_cdf |
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function |
explore_dataset |
Explore Dataset |
exponential_weight |
Exponential Weight |
folds |
Cross Validation Folds |
geometric_weight |
Geometric Weight |
gini_impurities |
Gini Impurities |
gini_impurity |
Gini Impurity |
mcc |
Matthews correlation coefficient |
mse |
Mean Square Error |
msle |
Mean Square Logarithmic Error |
one_hot |
One Hot Encode |
relative_position |
Relative Position |
replace_na |
Replace NA Values |
rmse |
Root Mean Square Error |
rmsle |
Root Mean Square Logarithmic Error |
roc_scores |
ROC scores |
set_factor |
Set Factor |
skewness |
Skewness |
sparsify |
Sparsify |