R6-Based ML Survival Learners for 'mlexperiments'

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Documentation for package ‘mlsurvlrnrs’ version 0.0.3

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LearnerSurvCoxPHCox R6 Class to construct a Cox proportional hazards survival learner
LearnerSurvGlmnetCox R6 Class to construct a Glmnet survival learner for Cox regression
LearnerSurvRangerCox R6 Class to construct a Ranger survival learner for Cox regression
LearnerSurvRpartCox LearnerSurvRpartCox R6 class
LearnerSurvXgboostAft R6 Class to construct a Xgboost survival learner for accelerated failure time models
LearnerSurvXgboostCox R6 Class to construct a Xgboost survival learner for Cox regression